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SpaceDruid135 22. maj 2014 kl. 11:40 
Watched dem videos of Tirion and the Lich King watching his son die... that was sad. So when The Lich King placed the crown on his brother's head and the fiery brother froze... was that him sealing his physical body into eternal slumber? Or dying? I don't know the background for context and what it meant.
Wish I could simply Shazam it
SpaceDruid135 5. mar. 2014 kl. 0:35 
Blasphemous penile Rage. I want an Aries to ask me to "Ram" my billy goat man sword into her "sheath". Off and On. And then again again again

*Astrology feels... so much secks want, I do. Ugh... To be human again.
SpaceDruid135 5. mar. 2014 kl. 0:08 
Hmm, looks liek a PEYNIS ENLARGUHHHH.... BEttah give IHT uh Squeeze! xD Test iht our fo' da Princess!
BLIPS and CHITZ 3. jan. 2014 kl. 21:46 
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