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Recent reviews by DirtyStinkyHippy

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3 people found this review helpful
16.7 hrs on record (7.0 hrs at review time)
A great game at a great price. The big IPs like Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and King of Fighters do not have developers that care about PC and they all have broken netcode. All three of those games release patches once every blue moon and long after consols have already gotten it. SkullGirls' developers on the other hand seem to actually care about PC. We get patches sometimes as often as twice a week and long before things make it to consols. The netcode is flawless to the point that I'm surprised other companies don't just pay them for the code. If you are interested in quality development more so than trying to stick to a broken game simply because it's your favorite IP then you need to do yourself a favor and give SkullGirls a chance. I'm a PC gamer with no love for consols so I need a developer that treats PC with a bit of respect. Capcom, NetherRealm, and SNK have done nothing but treat us like a red headed step-child.
Posted November 2, 2014.
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3 people found this review helpful
288.4 hrs on record (198.7 hrs at review time)
Capcom has no love for PC The netcode has been broken for half a year while they focus on releasing more and more costume packs. There are a great many issues that have been well known for years like controller swap in arcade mode or having to specify what controller you're using every time you go to the character select screen in VS mode. Capcom has chosen to ignore every single issue while they put more and more resources into the sort of outfits that only a 5 year old would think is cool (swimming outfits from 100 years ago and fury outfits so the characters look like they're going to a Halloween party). Consols get all updates and DLC long before PC, and when we do finally get them they're usually broken. As of now I could not recommend anyone buy anything Capcom on PC. They treat us like a red headed step-child that's lucky to get any attention at all. Even if Capcom decided to snap out of their PC hate today it would take years before they reorganized the company in a way that made PC anything but a third wheel. If you want a good fighter for PC check out SkullGirls. Even if it's not the sort of aesthetic you prefer their developers have proven that they actually care about PC. They actually listen to what players complain about, patch the game regularly, and do not slow things down for consols. They should serve as a model for any company wanting to release fighting games on PC. I'm willing to bet Capcom will release a costume pack with all the characters in pink tutus long before they take any complaints seriously.
Posted November 2, 2014.
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