1 person found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1.8 hrs on record
Posted: Nov 7, 2014 @ 10:26pm

Personal Rating : 5/10.
Interesting. 有意思。

+ Game design. It is interesting to play a game so similar to the traditional one, snake. In this game, you control the head of the snake, avoiding hitting the wall and your "tail"--other heros. However, there is a major difference. You cannot "eat" your enemy. Instead, your heros will use their own specific talent to kill them automatically when they are close. This idea is interesting and that is probably why you should buy it. (I brought it when it was 90% off, so it is actually pretty cheap.)

+ 游戏设计。玩一个和传统游戏(如:贪吃蛇)很相似的游戏是很有趣的事情。这款游戏里,你控制蛇头,避免撞到墙或者自己的“尾巴”,即其他英雄。然而,这个游戏也有显著的不同。你不能“吃掉”你的敌人。相反,你的英雄们会自动在靠近敌人的时候用自己特定的技能杀掉敌人。这个设计理念很有趣,它也是你应该买他的原因。(我是在1折的时候入手的,所以它还是挺便宜的)

- Not fun later. After being amazed for the design for like 30 minutes, I began to get bored. Level 1 is way too easy and Level 7 was then little a little bit too difficult for me. So I have to collect diamonds to upgrade my heros. (That is when things get trivial and boring.) The diamonds needed to upgrade one hero are determineded by how many enemies you kill when you choose "this one" as major hero. Besides, everytime you die, you start from level 1. All the move seems trivial to me and I don't play it afterward, because I don't see anything that keeps me motivated anymore. 1.5 hour. That is probably the length this game bring pleasure to me.

- 接下来就不好玩了。在被游戏设计震惊后的30分钟,我开始觉得无聊了。第一关太过简单而且第七关对我开始有点难度。于是我开始收集钻石升级我的英雄。(这就是游戏开始变得繁琐与无趣的时候。)升级需要的钻石是你选这个英雄当主英雄的时候杀敌数量。况且,当你死了之后,你又要从第一关开始。接下来的操作就开始让我觉得无聊,我就没有再玩了。因为我没有看到能够激起我玩的欲望的点。一个半小时,这大概就是这游戏带给我乐趣的长度。

Conclusion: It is interesting. You can buy it when it is 90% off, but not $5.


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