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2 people found this review helpful
60.5 hrs on record (52.7 hrs at review time)
Is fun.
Posted November 30, 2022.
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17.4 hrs on record (16.8 hrs at review time)
If you want an amazing "fly jets and feel like a BAMF" game... this is it.
Posted May 5, 2021.
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58.5 hrs on record (33.7 hrs at review time)
Nothing like a classic "Loot and Shoot" FPS. Played BL1/2 and the Pre-Sequel, this is homage to and an extension of those games, at scale. Humor, tears, action, it has it all.
Posted September 26, 2020.
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31.0 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)
Game is a homage to all the Star Wars that came before. Old School Star Wars fan? Play this.
Posted June 27, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
8.2 hrs on record (3.9 hrs at review time)
Fast and fun gameplay.
Posted June 25, 2020.
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40 people found this review helpful
7 people found this review funny
0.9 hrs on record
Oh goodness, eve is on steam now. Or was it before? Huh.

Been a capsuleer from back in '04 when I fired up my first character. Had a Love/Hate relationship with eve for the last decade. I hate that I love it, and love that... well I dunno. It is like that abusive relationship that you keep coming back to. I have quit, lost Billions of ISK (the in game currency), been killed a couple times, all for simply undocking.

Is the game hard? Oh yes. Harder than drunken calculus. It is more difficult to understand the nuance behind some of the PvP combat than it is to talk your way into someone's bed. It is unapologetic, unrelenting, and does not even OWN kid gloves. Unless you talk about that poor baby goat that the developers may have sacrificed. I guess those could be "kid" gloves, just not like they normally would be described.

Would I reccomend the game? Of course! I would love to see more new pilots fly through my home system, and blow them out of space. If you can get past the (litterally) crazy player base, and find enjoyment in the difficulty, it will be fun for you. It is NOT for everyone though. It is not even for a significant minority. Sociopaths will love the game, as will economists (is there REALLY a differance? Lookin at you economists) for the economy, run by players, is insane, and fun.

Download it, take your ships for a spin, get blown up, and decide for yourself, do YOU want to be that pilot, blowing other pilots up? Tough. They have probably been around far longer than you could imagine. Find a good player-run corporation, and go from there. It IS fun, I promise.
Posted August 18, 2016.
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0.0 hrs on record
This is not an xbox controller. It is not a playstation controller. I love that about it. It is unique, and designed to be an accessory for a PC, not a controller for a console. Macro learning, mouse emulation, the haptic controls and feedback, all of it feels like it is designed to provide an accessory to the mouse and keyboard, and for that I love it.

It integrates with "Big Picture" mode very nicely, and the interface is intuitive, and customizable (if your intuition differs from the developers).

My only potential complaint has been echoed in other reviews, as the controller feels "light" in my hands. Also the grip that I have found is profoundly different than those "other" controllers, so the hand discomfort is likely because the user is trying to hold it like an xbox controller, which would be like trying to hold an SNES controller like a N64 controller, it just won't feel right, and if you try to force it, you are going to have a bad experiance.

All in all, I would reccomend this, just as long as you aren't trying to buy an xbox controller, and that you are going to buy a STEAM controller.
Posted August 14, 2016.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries