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Arma 3

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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries
Desert Siege (11 Players)
Collection by Varanon
A remake of the classic Ghost Recon: Desert Siege, for 11 players. A 15 player version is available here:
FHQ Dynamic Missions
Collection by Varanon
A collection of missions that are dynamically created and thus offer the possibility to replay them multiple times
Dìlóng Campaign
Collection by Varanon
It all started with what seems like a comms problem: Contact lost with an outpost on Tanoa. A Viper team is sent to investigate. Their job soon turns into something different: Find the meaning behind the Dìlóng Project, the Earth Dragon. A coop campaign fo
Desert Siege Campaign (15 Player)
Collection by Varanon
A remake of the classic Ghost Recon: Desert Siege, for 15 players. An 11 player version is available here:
FHQ Coop Pack #4 (Community Upgrade Project)
Collection by Varanon
A collection of missions using the Community Upgrade Project.
FHQ Coop Pack #3 (Fire Team Engagements)
Collection by Varanon
A collection of smaller missions that can be played either single player, or with low player counts (mostly four players). Most of them can be played in under half an hour. All missions are using the following addons: CAF Aggressors
FHQ Coop Pack #1 (Vanilla Arma 3)
Collection by Varanon
FHQ created Coop/SP missions for Vanilla Arma 3 For server admins: These missions are available as "unnamed" missions with standard naming sceme on Armaholic at FHQ Coop Pack #2 (Addons):
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