6 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1.5 hrs on record
Posted: Dec 5, 2014 @ 9:31am
Updated: Jun 24, 2020 @ 10:57am

A decent short game with an interesting plot that propels you into searching for clues as to how you wound up where you did and why.

This being advertised as a horror game is somewhat misleading... depending on how you define such a game. I was expecting to be afraid, or at the very least to feel on edge. Being the scardey cat that I am, I surprisingly never felt uncomfortable. It was somewhat of a letdown in that respect.

What I did like about the game is that while finding clues, your character will sometimes propose questions that basically ask you how he should interpret them. You can make him start to feel guilty, as if he's done something wrong, or you can project that onto other characters. This seemed to play a big role in how your character inevitably decides how to handle what he's discovered, and inevitably deciding how the story will end.

Like for many other reviewers, that still didn't feel like enough. You never find out the truth of what happened, only your interpretation based on what you observed. I admit, in retrospect it's clever and almost enough. But I wanted to KNOW what happened; so I was left feeling unsatisfied.

I wish I didn't have to give a yes or no recommendation as I could see how some people would enjoy it for the very reasons others don't—and vise versa. I give it an apathetic 'eh'.
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