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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 10.3 hrs on record
Posted: Nov 28, 2014 @ 8:59am

A very strange "game" in that it's not really a game as there are no game elements. It's not quite an interactive movie, in the classic sense, either. Instead it's a story told through video clips and images, unlocked in a non-linear order, in which progress is made solely and totally through interactions on bulletin boards. This makes the "game" more of a social experience than anything else, but also closes it off to those who have little to say or little interest in interacting through such media to discuss the clues into figuring out what's going on. The end of the whole story, deliberately left vague, is perhaps disappointing, not so much because of the vagueness itself, but that a few loose ends could have been better tied up while still leaving the primary focus up for discussion and speculation. While an interesting idea, it seems like it could have been implemented better with some allowance for those who are less intersted in the social aspects and to not let people get stuck while just waiting for others to like/comment on their posts in order to unlock further nodes.
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