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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 2.0 hrs on record
Posted: Oct 1, 2014 @ 5:24am
Updated: Feb 7, 2015 @ 7:51am

Typically I would not go out of my way to give a bad review to a game, but I feel like this game warrants a special exception.

Before I go on, allow me to summarise.
The up-sides:
- The artwork is excellent.
- The soundtrack is excellent.
- The story is excellent.

The down-sides:
- The game sucks.

The game is two hours long and is rife with critical flaws. Returning to this page, it's evident to me that Dischan Media put more effort into their Teaser video than the actual video game.

The artwork, while very good - is far too sparse to express the story in any meaningful way.
Take-away: Draw some more damn pictures and use them to express your story. What you've done is not good enough.

The soundtrack, is excellent - but there are not enough sound effects to express the story either. Fix it.
Take-away: Not everything is about music.

The story is great - but the writing is too lavish and the visual presentation is sub-par.
Take-away: If you want to write a novel, write a damn novel. This is a different visual medium for delivery and it has different rules! You should colour your text to express different characters. You should use unique typefaces to express the difference between character thoughts and dialog IF NECESSARY. Dialogue should ALWAYS be a priority and it should always be straight to the point.

The game is terrible.
This is not a game. There was one single decision tree point with a handful of questions merely seconds apart. I don't know what you were thinking. You need to space this out throughout the game, peaks and troughs - study Mass Effect and The Walking Dead. Test this on people and beware of decision fatigue vs. reading fatigue. Make choices APPEAR meaningful, even if they're not. Be really selective about writing choice breakers into your story! This is exceptionally frustrating!
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