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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 53.3 hrs on record (29.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: Nov 27, 2014 @ 3:55pm

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is not really an RPG game in most of its sense; there is no actual character sheet, and when your character evolves, whatever choice you make in that regard can be undone freely. Changing your build is literally like changing clothes. There is no looting or potions. There is no choice of gear other than the 4 basic sets, which are also your "class", and once again, you can freely swap. This is nothing like Diablo (in this sense) unlike other reviewers insist to claim. Bear that in mind.

Devilishly challenging yet fair, this here is a masterpiece.

You are simply FORCED to undergo challenges in a twisted sort of arena. Endlessly spawning monsters chasing you while you try to solve a maze, or while you run away from a deadly red myst, or perhaps while you try to take cover from a laser beams (lol what?! its magic!)... figuring out how to solve each area is one thing, solving it is ANOTHER THING!

Completion of each area is required to access its respective boss, and each completion awards you with one crystal - literally one "experience point" - that unlock skills. Optionally you can solve an area while doing a special challenge (depends on the area) or while time-attacking, each of which award you another crystal. Whereas you might think "Nah, I'm not an achievement hunter, I just wanna finish the game" you might be FORCED (unexpected pun) to change your mind there as sometimes the higher level skills give you a crucial advantage when fighting the boss.

There is no difficulty tweak, you cannot switch to "easy mode". Definitely not for people who get frustrated easily.
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