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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 28.3 hrs on record
Posted: Nov 25, 2013 @ 2:47pm

In it's current form, I just can't recommend this latest iteration of King's Bounty. There are too many issues that take away from the enjoyment of the game, and that doesn't include some of the gamebreaking bugs.

- Missing sounds during battles
- Poor grammar and font spacing
- Same music as Crossworlds
- Most units are the same as Crossworlds/Armored Princess
- Acheivements that don't work
- Spells that don't work right
- Boring back-and-forth fetching missions that don't really add anything to the game
- Very, very little new added to the game

Some of these items seem trivial, I understand that, but they start adding up over time making the game trudgery more than anything. 1C markets this as the next chapter of the series, and I guess that would be accurate as like any book, a chapter is more of the same story adding only a little bit of anything new. However, I wouldn't pay 2nd edition price for another chapter of a book and shouldn't have had to pay full-price for Crossworlds wrapped up in a different marketing package with bad editing.

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Tegga21 Oct 1, 2014 @ 3:30pm 
Bad grammer has always been part of the KB charm.
*Logan* May 30, 2014 @ 11:17am 
I enjoy this game, but I agree, the lack of new stuff is pathetic.