no loafing
California, United States
i make gmod addons sometimes

If you're sending me a friend invite, then leave a comment below saying why! I won't accept random invites all by themselves, you know how spambots are these days!
Currently Offline
MGFP Apr 18 @ 11:58am 
You are a legend in the GMod Machinima space. Please don't ever stop!
StinkySofa63 Apr 17 @ 6:22pm 
can you please add me as a friend
ΆΛΦΑ Apr 10 @ 3:15pm 
hi no loafing, i wanna add you and i have good reasons, which are that i managed to dig up an old tool Addon from the Gmod 10 days, the said addon is the Toe Poser, yep i managed to find it but sadly the coding doesn't work fully on Today's gmod and i don't know how to code Lua, and since you're a genius i felt that you were my best hope of recoding this so it can work for current gmod and then re-release it for everyone to enjoy.
₽íxl Apr 10 @ 7:17am 
bro came out after years, pumped out 2 great addons, what a lad :steamthumbsup::GDNormal:
LarsSvengard Apr 9 @ 11:31pm 
homestar runner
Re D. Carlos Apr 9 @ 2:27pm 
Hi, could you add me? I've seen your addons and want to ask you a favor