mark   Nepal
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 144 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 6.4.
100 pistettä
yhteensä 412 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 5.4.
yhteensä 38 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 3.4.
thunderDank 28.12.2023 klo 16.32 
king Baldwin IV 12.11.2023 klo 10.40 
nice yapping skills
mark. 7.11.2023 klo 21.18 
what is bro talking about
king Baldwin IV 4.11.2023 klo 23.05 
complained for five mins about not killing a demo with 2 flare shots
demos health is 175 that is NOT 120 so thats why you did not kill him
also when i tried to tell he kept irgorning me and then complained no one was helping him so -rep for crying about a game
lesson in life its not fair
Julix |-_-| 17.10.2023 klo 10.14 
Good teammate +rep
Bonsai 9.10.2023 klo 10.29 
Very angy man