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2 people found this review helpful
1.7 hrs on record
+ Atmosphere
+ Soundtrack

- Short
- Bugs when going outside the intended flow, but nothing breaking

This is an indie game, don't expect AAA mechanics and polish.

I found this enjoyable and nice to set your mind on something different, even if only for an hour or two.
Posted June 20, 2016.
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0.8 hrs on record
It's got a dot matrix printer!
Posted April 12, 2016.
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4 people found this review helpful
10.1 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
Fun as ♥♥♥♥

A little simplistic perhaps, but that keeps it light & fast
Posted December 24, 2014.
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2 people found this review helpful
6.8 hrs on record
Kairo isn't your standard issue game; it's more of a playable piece of digital art really.

It is a world abstracted into basic geometric shapes, drenched in monotone hues, and brought with eerily alien music. It doesn't contain the usual button mashing or killing stuff, but instead is about exploration and solving puzzles (nothing hard really). It's fairly short, but will offer a unique experience you won't find anywhere else.
Posted June 30, 2014.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 entries