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3 people found this review helpful
10.0 hrs on record
An enjoyable and unexpected game. I really didn't think I'd play this as long as I did, but there's a fair amount of tactical depth within the seemingly dated graphics and interface.

It's a blast racing against as many as 15 other opponents, and while I wish there was some more variation and customization options (late-game races consist of top-tier riders all with basically the same stats), it's fairly challenging experience and it's awesome trying to run a tight corner and watching your biggest rival flip his cart.

I'd recommend playing the fluid-mode instead of turn-based- much more satisfying and challenging.
Posted April 8, 2016.
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2.2 hrs on record
This game is stupid. Random number generators govern everything. It's a game all about tactics, chosing when who to attack with, trying to guess what's coming next, but the lack of tactical depth is ridiculous.

- Why can you not leave a dungeon once entering?
- Why can you not reorder the position of your party?
- Why can you not use health items in combat?
- Why can the enemy attack three times in a row, but you are limited to once, and cannot use the same character twice in a row?
- Why are characters and quests randomly generated, making it impossible to predict what you will face in an upcoming dungeon?

Some may defend this as an old school roguelike, but in old school rougelikes you have to play smart, and are rewarded for doing so. Failure means something- you learn from every mistake. In this game once you enter a dungeon, you just hope for the best, and hope the randomly generated characters you picked at the start can beat the boss (whose hit-points are hidden, for some reason?) after 6 or so randomly generated fights.

Winning doesn't feel like winning, it feels like blind luck. Don't waste your time with this game.
Posted April 6, 2016.
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10.5 hrs on record (9.9 hrs at review time)
Shooty shoot slow-mo death sim.

What this game does right
+ Slow-mo bullet-time and ragdoll physics makes fighting enemies an absolute joy.
+ Destructive surroundings makes every encounter aftermath feel like the lobby scene in the matrix.
+ Reasonable difficulty, knows what it's about and delivers on that promise.

What I didn't like
- Horror sequences were not scary, almost always scripted. Who cares about ghosts when you're a death-machine with a fully-loaded shotgun? Annoying breaks from the otherwise fun combat.
- Story was eh. But this isn't really a game you play for the story in the first place.
Posted October 7, 2015.
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2.5 hrs on record
I spent about two hours on this game, and it basically is a mid-20s simulator. Sure, you can do stuff like work at a tofu factory, and it's plenty ironic, but... why? Why bother?

It's basically a jrpg without any fantastical elements. While this could easily have stood up on its own with a strong story it feels like simply a bunch of random sidequests strung together in Portland with the numbers filed off. The genre of this game demands a strong story and characters and there was nothing there.
Posted October 4, 2015.
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0.4 hrs on record
This game was an absolute ♥♥♥♥♥ to try to get to run. I gave up after two days of troubleshooting that went nowhere.

Don't buy it, even for nostalgia purposes.
Posted September 28, 2015.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries