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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 561.5 hrs on record (546.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: Apr 9, 2015 @ 8:01am

I have been playing EvE on and off for 6 years now. Do I like it? Yes. Would I recommend it? No.
EvE is an exercise in humility. If you join now or at any point in the future, don't expect any satisfaction from this game.
The trailers are made to make you believe that you can change something - the news broadcast about the battle of B-5RB are making your mind imagine things that just aren't here.
EvE is not a Sandbox - it is a multiple choice point & click adventure like those "make your own adventure" books you read when you were a child. There is nothing new to be discovered, everything has been done by someone before you and better to the point where it is almost mandatory to use third party websites to fit your ship, mine, produce, explore or do anything in this game.
You will not stumble upon a miner in distress in your first week and join his buddies fleet to see a large battle - if you venture into the PvP space you will be blown up either by the pirates or his reinforcements. Chatting to any of those groups will make you a target.
PvP comes in three major varieties.
Solo PvP revolves around finding a mark that you can take without any difficulties. If there is a chance that an engagement could let you lose your ship, you don't engage. For a new players this means that you will never get in any PvP you can win.
Gang PvP revolves around finding a mark that your gang can take without any difficulties. If there is a chance that an engagement could let you lose your gang, you don't engage.
Fleet PvP is just two massive blobs colliding. Most fleet battles are decided by who gets the drop on whom - since fleet battles tend to last for more than 10 minutes, a little tactics can be put into it with reinforcements.

The Sandbox that is often quoted is nothing more than a tech tree with premade options. Ships, Modules and everything you make has been made by a very restrictive system of blueprints that allow no individuality. Any two ships with the same name will look the same, behave the same and do the same until you fit them with modules with the same attributes.

So in conclusion this is EvE: You grind your ass off in the same missions or same mining belts for days on end, waiting for your skills that are based on real world time to learn to finish learning. Nothing you will do will have any impact if you haven't been playing this game for years, shelling out a quite high monthly fee for a somewhat dated game.
EvE is the ultimate in waiting simulators. Get a better game.
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Tor Jan 16, 2020 @ 11:10am 
Don't worry, the game is nothing like that.
Offensive Bias Jan 11, 2020 @ 2:10am 
Thank you for the warning i was going to try it but now hell no don't really want to spend years of my life in a game just to get anywhere.
dreadfullrat Jan 21, 2018 @ 5:08pm 
Perfect desription of that game
MTB-Fritz Oct 25, 2017 @ 6:32am 
Like every MMO on the market the individual player doesnt affect anything. EVE is no different in this regard. Big and old corps rule the day and you can eventually become powerful ingame but it requires diplomacy, brownnosing, manhandling and extorting others and being "smarter" then the rest outconning people who try to con you.

Its like todays RL politics, not something you would expect if you want to "play a game".

Or you can do that....just dont expect any big payout for it...
Tor Sep 5, 2017 @ 3:48pm 
If you've got some imagination and creative flair, you will likely find EVE incredibly fun. If you expect content to be handed to you, with little room for diversification, try most other MMOs.
Drew Aug 31, 2017 @ 10:44pm 
YEP I agree with the OP, and you can't even fly the spaceships...booo
SnivyTries Jun 15, 2017 @ 1:13am 
Agreed with Admiral Icarus. The community is the harshest thing in the game. I get it, EVE Online is a game driven around interacting with the community, but when a game says "Hey, you, free to play, wanna meet some people and buy some drugs?" I have to respectfully decline. Like...a game that forces you to join up as part of a megacorporation or DIE HORRIBLY AND ALONE OVER AND OVER AGAIN...not cool.

Plus, it's boring. EVE itself is BORING. Yeah, the community is what makes it good, just as the community of Rust is what drives that game. See the comparison I'm trying to make?
Admiral Icarus May 21, 2017 @ 3:42pm 
I feel like one of the biggest things holding Eve back is the toxic community, as proven in the comments.
AlterEgo Dec 5, 2016 @ 6:33pm 
its a trash game for noobs. boring grinding and grind until you get some decent isk just to stand a decent chance in pvp also months of training make this game absurd...it feels like work...and dont expect to join a big corp i joined pandemic horde and youre basicly a little mining slave for them...scams all around the game...no real...and ppl love killing if youre noob trying to make isk.

sure the average eve fan will be in denial.
Falran Nov 25, 2016 @ 11:06am 
OP you're completely missing the point of EVE. Let me respond with a quote:
"Games are about winning, EVE is about NOT losing."