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Posted: Mar 1, 2016 @ 2:01am

I'd really like to have a good Advance Wars clone available on Steam, but this isn't it. The clunky, ugly 3D graphics are a huge step back compared to the clear and functional 2D graphics of the original, and it's far less intuitive to grasp the relative strengths and weaknesses of the units because they're not called "infantry" or "tanks" or the like. In short, it's an incompetent clone of a great game.
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Mantooth Apr 27, 2016 @ 4:55pm 
Well that sucks... oh well. I actually found a website that lets you play advance wars in the browser. AND its multiplayer! So I guess me and my friends can get their AW fix after all! :D
lesslucid Apr 27, 2016 @ 3:53am 
Unfortunately, no. The nearest (AFAIK) are "Desert Ashes" and "Pocket God vs Desert Ashes". They're clearly aimed at being AW clones, and do a semi-decent job... but they still lack the polish, intuitiveness, and accessibility that make the original great. I'd say either of those are better choices than Future Wars, but there still isn't an actually good AW clone on Steam... yet...
Mantooth Apr 26, 2016 @ 8:24pm 
Do you know of any Advance Wars clones on steam?? :DD