Justin 🆅🅰🅻🆅🅴   Toronto, Ontario, Canada
No information given.:steamsalty:
În prezent offline
Bladehammer 15 mai 2021 la 8:05 
hello mate, can you send me friend request? I have something for you
Malobor 6 mart. 2021 la 4:32 
hey, i cant send you friend request, so can you add me please? its urgent
Yggkelv 14 ian. 2021 la 12:26 
hey, i cant send you friend request, so can you add me please? its urgent
Nalmelbine 18 dec. 2020 la 13:11 
+rep, add me
burst angel 26 mai 2020 la 5:50 
Hi, our team went to the finals of a decent tournament, but our player will not be able to take part in this match, we urgently need a stand-in who can replace him.
If we win this tournament, you will receive about $600~
Add my main account, if you're ready to compete
鸭菌er 18 mai 2020 la 12:18 
☺️Congratulations! ☺️ You are the lucky one who won a knife. You can check us on and know how you can get your prize. ♥️ group