Silver I ✔
Silver II ✔
Silver III ✔
Silver IIII ✔
Silver Elite ✔
Silver Master elite ✔
Gold Nova I ✔
Gold Nova II ✔
Gold Nova III ✔
Gold Nova Master ✔
Master Guaridan I ✔
Master Guardian II ✔
Master Guardian Elite ✔
Distinguished Master Guardian ✔
Legendary Eagle ✔
Legendary Eagle Master ✔
Suprime ✔
Global Elite ✗
Come my ts server: s7.ts3.cloud:33876
Currently Offline
1 VAC ban on record | Info
2485 day(s) since last ban

:csgoskull: Name: Zsolt
:csgoskull: Country/City: Hungary/Budapest
:csgoskull: Age: 18
:csgoskull: Games: Counter Strike Global Offensive, League Of Legends, Darkorbit

:csgoskull: Favourite gun: AK-47, M4A1-S, Desert Eagle, sometimes AWP
:csgoskull: Favourite map: Mirage, Cache, Overpass, Cobblestone
:csgoskull: Position: -
:csgoskull: Team: -

My own ts: s7.ts3.cloud:33876

Add me if u want but i wont accept whose steam level is 0 or if your profile is private or if u have a trade or any ban on your steam account.

:csgoskull: You are here because we are playing mm and u check my profile or u just want to add me to play or anything else.

:csgoskull: I like guys whose say i am hacker because i am not :)

:csgoskull: Skin is not equal with skill

cl_crosshair_drawoutline "0"
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cl_crosshair_sniper_show_normal_inaccuracy "0"
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cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt 1.5; cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt 0.75; viewmodel_fov 60; viewmodel_offset_x 1; viewmodel_offset_y 1; viewmodel_offset_z -1; viewmodel_presetpos 1

If u write a +rep to my profile i will write to your's too.

byteframe's cat Jan 4, 2020 @ 3:30am 
💄📒🎫 Performance review for hex 🥒👽🎁

Applies professional experience and/or knowledge of people expertly to forecast outcomes with at least 90% accuracy. Others trust their judgement because the choices have usually been good. hex is aiming for promotion, but recognizes that capabilities and prospects are limited. They set high personal standards in an attempt to do as well as possible. Usually eager to work, but on one or two occasions has been less than willing to tackle an assignment within the range of competence, or reluctant to learn something new. When working to a firm but realistic deadline, hex sometimes fails to complete the task because unprepared to work extra hours to meet the deadline. Or completes the task, but with some serious flaws.

🌏 + 👹 = 🍖
Baeby Sep 6, 2018 @ 8:15am 
one question , u say u dont add ppl who got vac banned but ur vac banned urself. why?
k0r0 Dec 12, 2017 @ 9:46am 
k0r0 Nov 12, 2017 @ 10:12am 
+rep ki a faszomvagy?
ReVO Oct 22, 2017 @ 2:47am 
faszfej vagy Zsoca :happy_creep:
AreVee Jul 1, 2017 @ 7:44am 
+rep my ♥♥♥♥♥ :O