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Posted: Oct 6, 2014 @ 7:01pm
Updated: May 13, 2015 @ 4:22pm

Its absurd to think this is a decent HOG compared to others available...

The Good:
  • Beautiful artwork
  • Animations are nicely drawn
  • Somewhat nice variety of locations
  • Protagonist's voice acting is good

The Bad:
  • Bonus content voice acting is terrible
  • Hidden object searches were not accurate (I could easily pick off 3/4 of the items just randomly clicking)
  • Cannot skip conversations, narrations, most cutscenes. Even clicking descriptions, you have to wait for protagonist to finish saying "I have to put something in there"
  • Story length is short. Finished game in less than 4 hours + 'bonus content' on Expert first time
  • UI is not intuitive or consistent. Sometimes you drag an inventory item, sometimes you just click, sometimes you click lots for multiple items.. who knows until you have to try!

The Ugly:
  • Collector's edition has extra content- they remind you on every screen in there and on your items (serious example: Ruby [Collectors Edition])
  • Story didn't flesh out at all and don't really explain very much. Bonus content only serves to open more holes while badly plugging the ones you had finished with.
  • No extra features - no achievements, no cards, no side quests, no lore, no epilogue (I lie a little, you get to see... concept art after bonus is completed).

For people who know their HOG's:

This game is probably one of the lowest ranked HOG's I've seen in a long time. There are games in the Apple store for tablets that go for $2 that are better than this. The story is unengaging, short and unpolished; the puzzles either easy or annoying. This is the first time I've felt like skipping easy puzzles because I couldn't be bothered, as there was no motivation nor interest from story to encourage me, let alone some of them were very arduous.

The fact you can't skip most of the dialogue in the game, including 'monologues about what to do next' really kills your interest and since you're left with no epilogue or extra features makes you feel like the whole game was a chore with little to show for it. For $A5, you're not getting your money's worth. I would buy it at <$1 sale as it still had beautiful artwork and well, its still a HOG :)

For people who are new to HOG's (Hidden Object Games):

This is not one of the better ones on the market folks. There are much more fun HOG's on Steam that give you so many extra features that they're now generally accepted as standard including Steam Cards, side quests (e.g. extra hidden objects in different maps), achievements and more. It is especially important to note that this game did not have a very good tutorial nor really orientate you to what you're meant to do so it may not be the best one to start with or base your opinion of HOG's.
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Amber Jul 28, 2020 @ 1:58am 
cheers :)
BloodMist Jul 28, 2020 @ 1:40am 
Why would anyone defend completely mediocrity? Well whatever, it's a good review this is. :VBOY:
Amber Nov 4, 2017 @ 12:57pm 
@EvathCebor - no probs, everyone is different but I try to explain why I didn't like it, compared to others. Good to see another HOG fan
EvathCebor Nov 4, 2017 @ 5:09am 
I finished one hundred HOGs, this one just entered my top 10.
Amber May 13, 2015 @ 4:53pm 
@mendel - np, its always nice to get feedback about facts. people are welcome to disagree but at least buy the game with their eyes open :)
mendel May 13, 2015 @ 4:30pm 
Skipping would probably a more important issue if people tried to speedrun it for the achievements -- but it doesn't have any. :cwat:
Thanks for being responsive like that, not everyone does that. :-)
Amber May 13, 2015 @ 4:20pm 
@mendel - hmm i'll edit it to most then since it seems to been awhile. as you said its not a gamebreaker but review should reflect that
mendel May 13, 2015 @ 4:12pm 
I'm pretty sure there were others, like repeatedly talking to the kid in the cage or the voice message machines?

Probably wouldn't have said anything, but you capitalized "ANY" to make your point and that's just undue exaggeration and not just editing for the sake for simplicity. And I must admit that's one of my buttons.

Anyway, minor issue, we agree that the game is mediocre at best and wouldn't recommend it to anyone who wasn't into the genre already and knows what to expect, skipping or no.
Amber May 13, 2015 @ 2:54pm 
@mendel, I said most cutscenes since the only ones you can skip are when you're transitioning which if I recall, was only 2 in the whole game, albeit you use them a lot. I didn't want to go into semantics and overbore the reader.
mendel May 13, 2015 @ 2:22pm 
I saw a "skip cutscene" button in the upper right-hand corner quite a few times, so I disagree with your statement that cutscenes can't be skipped. Maybe there was an update, or you can only skip them when you've sat through them once already?