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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 7.7 hrs on record (6.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: Oct 9, 2014 @ 4:20am

Early Access Review
Double Fine are giving Early Access a bad name here, by confusing it with crowd funding. This game is overpriced, unfinished and, worst of all, abandoned. The argument that not enough people bought the title to warrant continued development is a silly one, as most people tend to wait for a title that is at least playable before purchasing, no doubt explaining the poor sales. On top of that, they will not be offering refunds, and complaining about the people who did not purchase, Double Fine are just providing an extra slap in the face to those that did.

There was so much potential here, but as it stands the AI is a mess & it isn't possible to prioritise tasks so DF-9 becomes an exorcise in frustration. You may find yourself wanting to create a turret to defend against incoming raiders, but because you can't tell your builders to do so, they'll continue to build a room before the turret and by the time they've finished it's too late and your whole base has been destroyed.

Raiders are also occasionally very overpowered, a raider single handedly killed everybody in my base because all of my crew members seemed to just flap about and let themselves die.

Even if you get round these issues, there simply isn't enough to do to warrant a purchase, especially at the frankly ridiculous price of £18.99. I will never buy another Double Fine title again. If you'd like to see an Early Access title that never deserted its backers and continues to get more and more brilliant by the day, try Project Zomboid. It's being made by friendly, helpful developers and is 3 times cheaper than this one for at least 10x the content.
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