24 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 12.8 hrs on record (11.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: Feb 23, 2015 @ 2:58pm
Updated: Feb 24, 2015 @ 2:15am

Stealth Bastard Deluxe is a stealth based puzzle platformer, and it's pretty damn good when it comes to meeting those basic criteria. You need to hide in darkness and pick your moments to leave cover so that you don't get detected. You have to solve a bunch of puzzles like moving blocks around through teleporters to put them onto switches so you can move through gates or deactivate lasers and that sort of thing. Lastly there's lots of carefully timed jumps to make so that you can get over lasers, saw-blades and robots. Some of the levels can be quite tricky, which makes it very rewarding to finally figure out a solution.

Despite being a great stealth puzzle platformer I still felt that my time hadn't been that well spent. The game is technically very good, but it's just not that enjoyable. When shadows are so important to a game, they somehow made them emanate at some really weird angles. It would have been nice if they made clear light sources so you could more easily see the platforms and predict the shadow that would appear behind them. I want to get caught and die because I'm bad at a game, not because of faulty physics making objects cast shadows at weird angles from no clear light source.

While playing this game, I kept feeling that I was a minion from the animated film "Dispicable Me", who had been thrust into a cheesy "Portal" knock-off. Why did it feel like a "Portal" knock-off? Stealth Bastard is based on testing chambers through which you are guided by condescending text projections (lets not even mention the blue/orange teleporters) which were supposed to provide instruction and humour, but just came across as being pretentious. I know I should have expected some lame smack-talking humour from a game with a name like "Stealth Bastard", but still, this game left me disappointed because the gameplay was pretty much spot on, but the style and mood was lacking and abrasive.

The bottom line? If you want a great stealth based puzzle platformer, then this game is for you, but only if you can get past being a minion in a poorly lit, and slightly Portal flavoured (though somewhat sour) testing facility.

5/10 would not test.

Please note: I played this entirely on my laptop on the train so due to poor mobile internet connections my play time might not be accurate. I played the game from start to finish.
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