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1 person found this review helpful
37.3 hrs on record (19.6 hrs at review time)
Posted December 11, 2022.
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11.2 hrs on record (9.2 hrs at review time)
This is one of the FPS games ever.
Posted July 4, 2022. Last edited July 31, 2022.
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149.2 hrs on record (135.8 hrs at review time)
100 mad rats or 10 power armored highly trained pawns?

idk rats probably

10/10 would get bitten in the jugular again.

ps: final straw was: Ate without table
Posted January 8, 2022.
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43 people found this review helpful
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20.8 hrs on record (17.2 hrs at review time)
Los Angeles yollarının altını üstüne getirme.
Dolaşım sistemi oyunu.
Kardiyoloji stajı.
Belediye başkanı simulator.
Kapitalizm elçisi.
Şimdiye kadar arkadaşlarımın oyuna verdiği isimler.
Posted August 1, 2021.
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55.9 hrs on record (7.9 hrs at review time)
Have you ever played Dark Souls and talk to npcs and felt the soothing aura of them? This game has that.
Have you ever played Dark Souls and get amazed by every little info you find about a cryptic story? This game has that.
Have you ever played Dark Souls and memorize the fight and beat a boss, felt so powerful? This game has that.
Have you ever played Dark Souls and felt reliefed when you reach a new shortcut after a long run? This game has that.
Have you ever played Dark Souls and rushed for your dropped souls, died on the way again, felt frustrated? This game also has that.
You know what I mean. If you are looking for a challenging soulsborne like game and fine with 2d platform puzzles, look no further.
Posted April 14, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
7.0 hrs on record
Overall it was a good game but lots of glitches and bugs kept me and my friend from finishing the game earlier.
This WWH game required most communication with partner so far BUT
-there was a clock that seemingly require you to describe sound, which makes no sense because im not a parrot i can imitate the sound perfectly. My friend only hears one sound cant compare the freq's of the sounds. However none of these matter cuz clock puzzle was broken all along anyway. xD
-In chapter 2 you can fall of an elevator, get in a position that you can no longer use the elevator and you will need to restart the chapter.
-In the start of a chapter my friend kept falling off the level into the void. We had to restart several times.
These things makes it frustrating as you try to solve something that is impossible to solve.
There are not much this kinda co-op fps puzzle games out there so this one had a lot of potential. As I said in the beginning it was good overall. You may not encounter any bug in that case game will take around 4 5 hours to finish. Worth the price if you ask my opinion.

Posted October 13, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
198.4 hrs on record (183.5 hrs at review time)
This game is not a sim. Most sim thing about it is traffic which is not that good on its own. But its ok because this is a sandbox city builder.
If you would like to spend first 50 hours just to learn game and a 50 hours on workshop to get items that you want thats great because after that game is really fun.
Other than these reviews wont help much check out some videos and see for yourself. If you have time and will, jump in.
Posted March 6, 2017. Last edited August 16, 2020.
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205.3 hrs on record (162.4 hrs at review time)
MMmm reçine reçine vursun ritim içine
Posted March 6, 2017. Last edited January 24, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
1,497.2 hrs on record (992.4 hrs at review time)
Really fun game at the beginning. Frustrating sometimes but still really good. Learning curve is a bit steep. Like any other team based competetive game this game has crazy amount of toxicity at mid and mid to high ranks. If you decide to play the game as a competetive game you will have to practise a lot to get to a good rank. But its not that rewarding as cs go for your practise time.
Overall yet another game that really good designed and offers good competition but not recommended if you goin solo because of the ruiners and toxicity.
Posted September 9, 2016. Last edited August 16, 2020.
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3 people found this review helpful
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15.8 hrs on record (2.6 hrs at review time)
Oynamadan önce ben:
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Posted June 11, 2016. Last edited April 17, 2017.
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