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57 people found this review helpful
66.5 hrs on record
This game is really great, as most of the other reviews will say, it has a lot of charm :)
The character animations and art style is really top notch, the music and atmosphere of the game world is very cute and polished, the dialog and relationships are written well with many different types of characters, and the gameplay is well balanced and thought out. This game doesn't have a difficulty slider though and as such it's up to you to either get ahead of the curve or fall behind. If you're having troubles with the difficulty you should look up a guide or reconsider how youre approaching things. To some people (me) this game is frankly very easy and the hardest time was within the first week of the game because your options are so limited and your budget is tight, however by the time I hit day 20 ish, I had the rest of the game in the bag where I never had to sell another potion again aside from the contest potions and relationships. Though even with the game being in that state it was plenty of fun to do the relationships/find dirtier and dirtier ways to make great potions. I never thought I would love to make the most god awful potions youve ever seen, but I learned to love being cheap and messy, and you should too. B^)

What is the game really?
The game, as simply put as possible, is a dating sim/card game/math game/time optimization game. It's a store management sim where you get cards from your relationships, and you use the cards in an in game card game to sell your potions for a higher price than they should ever be sold, and you make the potions using ratios and math and planning and ingredients and money you earned from making potions. The game is math heavy if you consider ratios of colours to be difficult but the game clearly put a lot of effort into making the ingredients simple for you. Many are one type, while others are the only ingredient youll need, and others still serve different purposes.

Playtime and Time/money
In terms of value to time played, I'm at about 70 hours at the time of writing this while playing through the game twice, and at that rate, it's 0.35$ per hour of enjoyment. Comparing it on the dollar taco scale; it is well worth the 25 tacos and will give you a week or 2 at minimum of enjoyment!

So now the standard game rating:
  • Story: 8/10 It is a single track story, but the dialog more than makes up for it and how you choose to play the game plays into your personal story. If your complaint about a story is that there isnt enough of it, then it's pretty good.
  • Gameplay: 10/10 The gameplay is excellent, the only skill based gameplay here is the skill of your brain and because of that, it satisfies an itch many other games fail to. The balance on top of that is just really good and very fair. It encourages you to break the game and allows you to learn and get better. It also provides a decent challenge the first time.
  • Presentation: 10/10 The presentation is truly excellent, the characters are so expressive and fun and everything about the game screams that a lot of love and effort went into this.
  • Soundtrack: 9/10 It's really great and it will get stuck in your head, There are many soundtracks in the game and I only wish there was more variety for the main "at your shop" theme.
  • Replayability: 8/10 If you like optimization, and applying hindsight to previous situations, then this game is really for you, the only real issue is that after a certain point of having infinite money the only thing left to do is to finish off your relationships with others or start over again and do things even better.
Posted February 24, 2023. Last edited February 24, 2023.
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9 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
best avatar, good map set
Posted July 21, 2022.
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16 people found this review helpful
13.0 hrs on record (3.7 hrs at review time)
If you like the boardgame then you'll like this. It's just very well done.
  • Crossplay with mobile is really nice you can start on your pc and pick up the same account later on your phone.
  • Buying the premium/starter bundle removes the ads so consider it as part of the cost if you value your sanity. With that said though playing free to play isn't so bad, the ads only take up a little time, but it all adds up.
  • It has single player scenarios & bots, local multiplayer (single device seat swapping & over wifi), online multiplayer, zombies, capitals/various game modes, and it's all really clean and smooth.
Posted July 21, 2022. Last edited July 21, 2022.
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13 people found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
11.3 hrs on record (11.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Good smut
Posted June 16, 2022.
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49 people found this review helpful
3 people found this review funny
90.3 hrs on record (31.5 hrs at review time)
A game that has me coming back over and over because the gameplay is just so fun, there's not much else to be said though because it hits a very specific niche and if you play it you'll know if it's meant for you or not. This is the best mount and blade game in my opinion even in 2022.

This is the type of game that you binge for 3 days and then let it sit for months and come back randomly just to enjoy it for another 3 whole days.
Posted June 16, 2022.
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33 people found this review helpful
41.9 hrs on record (41.8 hrs at review time)
The greatest superhero game never made.

Hardcore fans from saints row 1/2 will tell you the game is garbage, but fans of the 3rd/4th games will tell you that these games are truly unique and offer something no other game does.
Posted June 16, 2022. Last edited January 4, 2023.
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69 people found this review helpful
60.2 hrs on record (54.8 hrs at review time)
I slept on this game for 5 years, and I regret it after having finally played it. The story of the game is honestly heart tugging at times and the gameplay is some of the best I've seen in any game to date. You'll need to play through this game "3 times" in order to get the full story, but it's so much content that the first playthrough feels like Nier Automata, the second feels like a complete DLC, and the third playthrough feels like Nier Automata 2 with how much content it has. You'll probably love every second of it because you just want more and more, and the game keeps giving it to you. Putting aside the fact that the game has sexy androids since that's just preference, the aesthetics of the game are absolutely incredible, every location is memorable and amazing to look at and the amount of detail and work put into everything is stunning. The music is also iconic and will quickly become one of your favorite soundtracks in video games if you don't already know some of it from other things. if I could choose a game of the year this would've been it, if I could choose a game of the decade, this would be it.

This game is simply put one of the greatest games of all time and is a must play for anyone who enjoys action RPGs even slightly.

Also please take it from me that you have nothing to prove, don't treat this game like dark souls and be pressured into playing only on the hardest difficulty, enjoy your time playing it and only ramp up the difficulty if you feel like you need the challenge. If you can't beat the intro of the game (to the first save point) on very hard, then very hard is not meant for you, and that's perfectly fine. Don't ruin your enjoyment of the game with difficulty, it starts off hard like that as a insult to anyone trying too hard to be cool. Years ago when I tried it at first, I did that and stopped playing it at the time, and again I regret having done that. After playing through the game though, coming back to very hard is very fun, play it to your taste.

Playtime and Time/money
At the time of writing this I've put in about 60 hours and the game is 40$, that's 66 cents per hour of enjoyment. And well worth every penny put into it. You can easily get up to 100 hours if you're into doing completionism things and the replayability of the game is astoundingly high for a "single" story game.

Exactly what is this game?
Succinctly; this is an action RPG bullet hell of hot androids who have to kill the machines with a great story that will tell you the rest.

So now the standard game rating:
  • Story: 11/10 Way more engaging than I had ever expected, and it's one of the least talked about things with this game.
  • Gameplay: 10/10 it's very fun, and everything is so smooth feeling, it can be easy if you need it to be, and hard if you want it to be, and all of it is under your control.
  • Presentation: 11/10 One of the most beautiful games I have ever played, in every single way.
  • Soundtrack: 11/10 One of the greatest musical soundtracks of all video games, good enough to be added to your list of music.
  • Replayability: 9/10 Great to come back to, and has plenty of content for you to squeeze out of it, but I think there is a point where you can be finished with it, it's just that point is very far away.
Posted June 16, 2022.
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276 people found this review helpful
49 people found this review funny
58.0 hrs on record (57.4 hrs at review time)
If you haven't played or seen this game before then I really think you should try it, it's truly excellent and very wholesome.

Playtime and Time/money
At the time of writing this I've put in about 60 hours and the game is 15$, that's 25 cents per hour of enjoyment. If you compare that to 15 1$ tacos you'll quickly see that this is well worth your time and will give you more enjoyment. plus you can come back to it and get more and more out of it. The game can be modded, and plenty of people are more addicted to this game format than I.

Exactly what is this game?
This is a farming simulator RPG with romance and combat, with a heavier emphasis on the role playing part of the game. Its very enjoyable to get into, and it can be played with your friends to make it even more interesting. The only person worthy of my love is krobus, be sure to give them a pumpkin from me. <3

So now the standard game rating:
  • Story: yes/10 Role playing game, make your own story out of what you're given.
  • Gameplay: 7/10 It's a solid loop.
  • Presentation: 9/10 great artstyle and aesthetic.
  • Soundtrack: 7/10 It's good, but it annoys me over time.
  • Replayability: 10/10 Great to come back to, playable offline, playable with friends, and modable.
Posted June 16, 2022.
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90 people found this review helpful
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105.8 hrs on record (67.3 hrs at review time)
Playtime and Time/money
Very replayable, but at the time of writing I'm 60 hours in and it's been well worth every dollar spent.

Exactly what is this game?
This is risk of rain.... 2 with a big emphasis on the 2 because it's 3d now, and that adds an incredible amount to the game that didn't exist in the first, it's just overall a very fun game that you run around shoot enemies and collect items to become stronger and stronger till you become a god or get run over by harder enemies. You can go to the moon though and beat the final boss if you've had your fill and it's a good thing to do as the final boss is an interesting last test for your character.


and it can be modded (with friends too) adding a buttload of replayability to the game.

The Good:
The randomized items add to the uniqueness of every run
The artifacts allow you to modify the gameplay style to how you like
The characters are all interesting in their own right
The items are usually very interesting and can change up how you play completely
And the variety in the levels will keep you coming back for more without piling too much on you.

The Bad:
This actually only has the same issue as risk of rain 1 where you don't start off with everything unlocked, you'll have to play through the game a few times (playing through a game takes about 30m to an hour or 7, depending on your style) in order to unlock everything so you can have fun in the ways that are fun.

So now the standard game rating:
  • Story: whatever/10 The story takes a backseat but the observant will see it and appreciate it.
  • Gameplay: 10/10 Extremely fun.
  • Presentation: 10/10 Fantastic artstyle and aesthetic.
  • Soundtrack: 11/10 One of the greatest soundtracks in video game history, it's on my list of songs to listen to normally, and it's good enough that normal people (not game nerds) would listen to it too AND not judge you for it.
  • Replayability: 10/10 Extremely fun to keep coming back to, playable offline, playable with friends, and modable

    please buy this game so that they can make even more content.
Posted June 16, 2022. Last edited June 16, 2022.
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93 people found this review helpful
32 people found this review funny
0.4 hrs on record
the game should've paid me 49 cents to play it
Posted January 18, 2022. Last edited April 22, 2022.
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