Toolbox 24
Help! Let me out of this pot! ~Shaggy   Washington, United States
:sh_red: Toolbox 24 :sh_purple:
:sh_red: I enjoy playing Two Cities MvM :sh_purple:
:sh_blue: Gotta get that strange factory new gun mettle collection! :sh_green:
:sh_red: I'm a fan of strange factory new skins! :sh_purple:

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Just another showcase.
Team Fortress 2 Related Information


Factory New Gun Mettle Skin Collection Status:

I'm a chimp and sold a lot of the lower tier items for Bakugan

Strange Teufort Collection:
:sh_purple: 2 Commandoes Remaining
:sh_blue: 3 Mercenaries Remaining
:bluepolyball: 4 Freelances Remaining

Strange Craftsmann Collection:
:sh_purple: 2 Commandoes Remaining
:sh_blue: 2 Mercenaries Remaining
:bluepolyball: 5 Freelances Remaining

Strange Concealed Killer Collection:
:PinkCube: 1 Assassin Remaining

Strange Powerhouse Collection:
:sh_green: Complete!

Competitive Experience

UGC Highlander Season 18: Main Engineer for Ball Fondlers --- Iron

UGC Highlander Season 20: Main Engineer for Hightower Party Room --- Steel

UGC Highlander Season 21: Main Engineer for Ultra Sensitive --- Silver

MvM Loot --- 128 tours

Tour 19: Australium Grenade Launcher (four boxes)
Tour 22: Professional AWPer Hand Fabricator
Tour 23: Professional Sniper Rifle Fabricator
Tour 33: Australium Frontier Justice (four boxes)
Tour 71: Australium Blutsauger (four boxes)
Tour 111: Professional Dragon's Fury Fabricator
Tour 113: Australium Grenade Launcher (three boxes)
Tour 124: Professional Wrench Fabricator
Activitate recentă
509 ore înregistrate
ultima dată jucat pe 18 apr.
240 ore înregistrate
ultima dată jucat pe 14 apr.
113 ore înregistrate
ultima dată jucat pe 9 apr.
Joh Bags 5 dec. 2022 la 19:14 
The jig's up, pal. Thats right, i found you out. You gave me a pepperoni pizza with the pepperonis taken off instead of an ACTUAL cheese pizza, like i had ordered. Expect a call from your boss.
Joh Bags 17 iul. 2022 la 22:21 
Hey man, saw you drop that can of bean at the store last week. Idk i felt i needed to bring it up, like you picked it up like you wanted it but then you just left it after you dropped it. Were you embarrassed? No shame in dropping beans man. Anyways i hope you're doing well
unicorn vomit harvester 30 apr. 2022 la 3:35 
hey, im just curious how much you got paid for the strange FN liquid asset. was it 210 keys or more?
Menlymen 20 apr. 2022 la 17:24 
Alright but you have to send one because I already sent + removed one prior and now it just gives me an error for trying
Yo La Techbro 14 apr. 2022 la 17:14 
any chance whatsoever you'd sell either #24? looking to add them to the collection
ka-chowerz 2 apr. 2022 la 0:45 