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Recente recensies door scaypies

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I think anyone who knew a smidge about antibirth, and the team behind it, was already aware about how good this DLC was going to be. And ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ we were right. See you on the other side, fellow basement dwellers explorers...
Geplaatst 31 maart 2021.
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237.5 uur in totaal (235.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Updated for the gungeons and draguns update, 5/8/2018
Updated for the farewell to arms update, 11/9/2019 (very late)
(The recommendation is just a formality)
Yes, I have 100%ed the game

Outside of challenge mode:
• Too much RNG (especially in the form of health and chests); Many runs get completely invalidated if the player doesn't get good enough items, or a lack of keys/ shells. This results in many runs that feel lacklustre and a couple runs here and there that feel broken, with very little in the middle
• Variation is extremely limited when it comes to rooms and bosses
• Larger rooms still slow down the game to a halt when in combat, whereas the rest of the game feels like it's gotten a speed boost
• The bullet is still an insanely broken character that you'll most likely spend 90% of your time playing as after you beat the past with everybody else
• The 0-10+ curse counter was only implemented to limit the number of cursed items you take: In addition, completing a run with full curse from start to finish has no achievement attached to it, nor any other rewards
• The entire resourceful rat extra floor/ boss fight feels like its been put behind far too many hurdles for most normal runs. This normally wouldn't be much of an issue, but in games such as gungeon where variation is one of its bigger downsides, it stands out. The same goes for the advanced dragun, who is behind an even more ridiculous set of requirements
• The new characters and unlocks in the farewell to arms update are interesting but no new achievements were added for them
• The R&G dept. is incredibly small, though it does play well

Challenge mode:
• Many modifiers/ combination of modifiers are completely unbalanced or downright unfair (Ex. hammer time/ zone control, gull's revenge/rat's revenge in a room with only platforms): This is especially true for bosses. Double challenge mode only makes this worse, I imagine
• Some modifiers can be completely negated by items or feel pointless (Ex. high stress in early rooms, poison trail getting negated by sponge or hazmat suit, and cursed ceramics in general)
• Wallmonger in particular feels like an impossible fight to no-hit unless you have a strong run going for you already
• High dragun is not only a DPS test here, but also a blanks/ invincibility test. Certain moves or combinations of moves are nigh impossible to dodge normally, and his knife familiars still have a bit too much health. His second phase, while easier than the first, still feels a bit too fast without speed-enhancing items. Add high stress to all this and you have a fight that often feels artificially difficult rather than a legitimate challenge

After all the updates and changes its received over the years, gungeon's QOL and basic functionalities have definately improved, while still retaining the frustrating RNG aspects that I've come to hate, no matter the mode. From a gameplay persective, this is great, as there are more things that can be learned by the player over many hours of play. From an achievement perspective however the game has changed little, if added more things to grind out. This is a trend that didn't start with gungeon, as a lot of isaac-inspired rougelikes are gindy to a fault, but your average run in gungeon is still ~40 minutes. This, combined with the fact that having thousands of weapons is more of a gimmick than a truly varied gameplay mechanic, and it quickly turns into a slog. Gungeon still stands as an example of above average creativity seemingly being limited by the genre the developers themselves chose, if not the way they chose to design it/ not redesign it

A solid 6/10.
Geplaatst 14 mei 2017. Laatst gewijzigd 4 januari 2022.
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19,472.4 uur in totaal (6,412.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Uh it's free and it's fun.... no brainer
Geplaatst 24 april 2013. Laatst gewijzigd 24 november 2021.
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