god bless the   United States
C A N C E R: /define cancer
Aoi: A disease lacking a sense of humor.

Princess Autistic Loli, an individual who has trascended the intellectual boundaries of humanity and is now eating cheese pizza with god

Princess Autistic Loli is beyond assimilation now, "Godlyness" is but a joke at this juncture, existence itself can simply cease to be, waves and atoms reversed back into planes previous to even the possibility of perception of scientific prooftesting... all that caused by a meager mental pulse from Princess Autistic Loli's brain, so tiny, even a normal human wouldn't be capable of noticing it in consciousness
Princess Autistic Loli imploded with such magnificence, he ended up exploding with vast amplitude on the inverse side of his existence, giving birth to a mirror version of everything that ever was, is and will ever be

i did 9/11: we all know that if you play a nasheed inside of an american airplane you get bad results
i did 9/11: but what if you play america ♥♥♥♥ yeah inside of an isis truck
Gupparin: lolicon
i did 9/11: what
Gupparin: it exists

allah: from where the ♥♥♥♥ are theese names coming from

regiel: my love is a bulldozer
regiel: on the shores of paradise

reel osia: pierdolony spychacz
reel osia: nie potrzebuje go

reel osia: but i dont need it
reel osia: i need mower

Princess 👖utistic Loli: INDIA
Princess 👖utistic Loli: DIARRHEA
Princess 👖utistic Loli: COWS

attack helicopter: actually my sniper aim sucks guppi's being-sucked-by-akari balls

Lolicon Airlines Boeing 747-400: i am
Lolicon Airlines Boeing 747-400: the quote wall
Lolicon Airlines Boeing 747-400: of cancer

Video games are not real

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Vaxen Nov 29, 2023 @ 2:15pm 
Selamat p agi
Jucrispy Sep 3, 2022 @ 8:53pm 
why are you a mod in my steam group?
Magic Sep 2, 2022 @ 11:30pm 
Personally, I believe that George bush bombed the twin towers and invaded Iraq/Iran; not due to the rich supply of oil within the environment, but because you said "bet" and he didn't want to look like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ soyboy commie ♥♥♥♥♥ so he pulled the trigger. Alas our country has been in a significant mess of debt and domestic dispute ever since. ♥♥♥♥ Anime pfps. ♥♥♥♥ you. Eat ♥♥♥♥. :trump:
bardzo mocny drip Mar 5, 2021 @ 3:59pm 
CommandShepard Sep 22, 2020 @ 4:45pm 
miss you
C A N C E R Sep 4, 2020 @ 6:42am 
pfp removed... nice