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Item do Workshop em destaque
After many, many months of experimenting and tweaking - I return to introduce my FORMIDABLE BATALLION. After the great success of my last tactic I uploaded to the workshop (see under my steam user if interested) something still bugged me. It wasn't concedi
19 avaliações
Criado por - Burnah
DCVertigo 9 ago. 2023 às 8:34 
Gather 'round and prepare to hear about the gamer extraordinaire, the FIFA maestro none other than Burnah!

Burnah, controller in hand, navigating the virtual soccer field with the precision of a surgeon. Their fingers dance across the buttons like Messi maneuvering through defenders, and their strategy is so on point that even the AI opponents might be consulting them for game tips.

If I had to point out a tiny glitch, it's that Burnah's opponents might sometimes wonder if they're facing a virtual AI or a soccer savant in disguise. I've seen opponents frantically checking their own controllers for hidden turbo buttons after a match with Burnah, convinced that there's no way a human can be that skilled.

Burnah is the kind of FIFA player that legends are made of, a soccer sage, a comedic virtuoso, and a controller-wielding maestro rolled into one.
wildweasel 14 out. 2017 às 9:09 
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You have been visited by the propane god, I tell ya hwat. Repost this on 5 more profiles or Hank Hill will bring the propain.
wildweasel 12 jul. 2012 às 18:22 
Good trader.
DCVertigo 18 dez. 2010 às 15:11 
The user who posted below this comment is a berk! :D
wildweasel 16 dez. 2010 às 10:05 
You are awesome Burnah, great player :DDD!