Alex   Hessen, Germany
The Federation: We have 150 allied worlds to call on in times of conflict.

The God Emperor of Mankind: I have a fully militarized galaxy. Bring it.
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Julyo 12 apr om 9:19 
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Hunt: Gepäck 8 feb om 10:59 
hey schöne runde gg <3 :)
Verve 3 jan om 12:36 
-rep Scheiß leichencampender Arsch in Hunt
🍺Westmalle 25 dec 2023 om 9:14 
-rep noob camper on hunt, toxic player
lelouch vi britannia 15 okt 2023 om 6:41 
einfach nur ein lappen scheint keine hobbys zu haben außer irgendwo leichen abzucampen
Julyo 29 sep 2023 om 7:38 
▬|█████████|▬ This is Nudelholz. Copy Nudelholz into your profile to make better Kuchens or other Teigprodukte! Oder Take it und hau it on the Kopp of a bekloppt Person to give a better Gefühl than vorher. :D ♥