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Publicada el 4 FEB 2016 a las 10:58
Actualizada el 24 FEB 2016 a las 6:47

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders is an adventure detective point & click game based on Agatha Christie's crime novel The ABC Murders (who would have thought).
If this review is too long for you, I suggest you to only read the first paragraph about the game's content and the final verdict at the end.

What is happening in the game:
You play as Hercule Poirot, the famous Belgian detective with an incredibly sharp mind and the capability of solving complex puzzles that the police usually can't solve by themselves. This exact capability makes a mysterious serial killer challenge Poirot if he can find who he is. You start by visiting the first crime scene, where a woman was murdered. You have to find clues and pull something actually useful out of them. After all, you're Hercule Poirot!

  • Voice Acting | This is a very very important thing in this game, as Poirot just has to be properly voice acted for this game to work. You may have watched some of the episodes with Hercule Poirot and his voice is just one of integral parts of the whole thing. In The ABC Murders, voice acting is, in my opinion, done very well, which is a huge plus.
  • Visual Style | I like the kind-of-3D world this game is set in and the animations are also very nice. The way characters look kind of remind me of comic books based on Christie's novels, if you've ever seen one of those.
  • Gameplay | You will constantly be looking for clues everywhere. You will later also connect these clues to make assumptions which will help you later in the game. Finding those clues also gives you Poirot's opinion about it, which is really nice to hear and is sometimes even slightly funny.
  • Puzzles | This is not just a simple adventure game with a nice story, but it also includes some nice puzzles. They are usually based on one object, on which you can find clues or just push your brains to get the solution. Puzzles in this game are very pleasant for us solvers and they can be both easy or hard. But none of those go to extremes. For solving puzzles, you also get so called "ego points", which is cool, because we like points. I just don't know yet why these points are used for.
  • The Story | Well, this one is pretty obvious: the story is great. I've read the book and I've forgotten all about it except that is was awesome, so it's pretty cool that I get to experience it again, but this time in a different shape. For a little bonus, this game even has multiple endings for those who can remember things they read in the past. Or at least the developers say so.
  • The Achievements | There are 50 achievements and they are pretty well-set. They are not like "get 10 ego points!" and "get 100 ego points!" and "get 250 eg ..." ... you know what I'm trying to say. You get them for actually achieving things in the game, which is how achievements should be.
  • SteamOS and MacOS | If you want, you can make your inner penguin happy for playing this game on Linux-powered machines. You can also run it on that expensive aluminum thingy of yours, if you want to.

  • Settings | There are not many, when it comes to graphics. The only two options for graphic quality are "high" and "low" and they don't make much difference. There are a few basic resolutions listed, but not an option for fullscreen/windowed mode. However, this game runs in Unity, so you can change fullscreen by using Alt+Enter. This should be available to less advanced users as well, though.
  • Pricing | Although this game is pretty good so far, I'm not really sure about the 30€ price tag. You will have to decide this one for yourself.

The final verdict:
I'm not really far in this game at this moment, so I will be updating this review after I finish the game. So far, however, I wasn't really bothered by anything special and I think this game is going to offer some quality gameplay hours. I love Agatha Christie's novels, so if you love those as well, you should certainly give this game a try. It plays great so far and I can't wait to uncover the killer once again!


Note that my copy of this game was obtained for free for reviewing purposes. However, this did not affect the quality and objectivity of this review.

No drama, Just Reviews.
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1 comentarios
Segata Sanshiro 24 FEB 2016 a las 4:11 
"You can also run it on that expensive aluminum thingy of yours, if you want to."

That made me laugh :D. Nice review, it made my penguin happy.