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316.6 hrs on record (269.2 hrs at review time)
Single Player Campaign:

Storyline: The story mode is a very slow burning candle, it's really slow paced and people are either gonna love it or hate it. I personally like to take my time while playing games so that was a plus for me. The main plot takes its time introducing characters, building up tension and stirring drama, so that the player would actually feel a connection to each character, that connection can be either be negative or positive.

General gameplay: While on the subject of being slow paced, it doesn't end with the storyline, most elements of this game are made in such a way to be realistic, for better or worse, for example, everything that the main character does is fully animated, skinning an animal, picking up hats from the ground, looting dead corpses, opening individual drawers, picking up items from said drawers etc, now that makes for some good immersion and RP experience, but some people might hate it as it might lose its charm quite early on.

The open world: The world in RDR2 might not be the biggest or the most populated out there, but it looks absolutely amazing, especially on higher settings. You're gonna notice the wildlife is quite sophisticated in this game, you're gonna witness crows picking dead bits off dead people, eagles picking rabbits off the ground or seagulls diving for fish. There's always something to do in the game, either it being hunting animals, chasing bounties, robbing trains, starting a bar fight, playing poker or some relaxing fishing, there's almost not a single moment where you're all out of things to do. This brings me to my next subject, Encounters.

The random encounters: There's a lotta side missions in this game, but other than that, there's the smaller, less significant random encounters. Almost everytime you're travelling from point A to point B, you're gonna encounter one. Either it being saving a random girl from a kidnapper, saving some random guy from wolves, getting ambushed by rival gangs, coming across people robbing others, the world always feels alive which is amazing.

Voice acting and soundtack: The game features a whole lot of talented voice actors for this game, the one you're gonna hear the most would be Roger Clark, the voice actor for the main character Arthur Morgan, he's always gonna have something to say about the situations you find yourself in the game, whether it being in a mission or just randomly roaming about. You'd see the main character singing to himself, or blaming his temper after killing someone innocent, or talking to his horse while cleaning it.
The soundtrack is amazing as well, you'd hear some great calm ,serene tracks during scenes like riding out a snowy mountains or some epic western music when in a huge gun fight. The music doesn't overstay its welcome and it leaves you to your normal gameplay when there's no need for it to be there.

The graphics: The game looks absolutely amazing, you'd ride around breathtaking vistas, gorgeous snowy mountains, smoke surrounded cities, foggy swamplands or barren deserts, and the game manages to look amazing throughout every landscape you come across.

TLTR, the game is quite slowpaced but it can be a great experience for those who appreciate such game designs

The online part
:It can be fun when played with real friends, but that's personally as far as I'm personally going to go with praising the online part. It may be just my opinion, but the online part absolutely throws everything good about the singleplayer campaign out the window and indroduces some lackluster and barebone system to either get players grinding, or get them to buy gold bars to avoid the grind.

Most of the things you do in online aren't that fun, I often found myself TRYING to enjoy it.
It greatly suffers from lack of content as everything it currently has is quite barebone and often buggy.
It can clearly use some love from R* team for it to be more enjoyable. But right now, it's a meh experience.

All in all, the single player campaign is absolutely worth every penny for those who like the points I've mentioned. But I'd do a bit of research before buying the game just for the ONLINE aspect of it.
Posted September 20, 2020. Last edited November 2, 2021.
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