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Goaty guy 23 nov. 2018 la 17:14 
You know, for someone who literally leeched a genuine and a strange off of someone, your TF2 inventory is about as full of ♥♥♥♥ as you are.
Pie 10 iul. 2018 la 0:22 
-rep black
DogGandalf 3 aug. 2017 la 11:31 
Big Jez 22 oct. 2016 la 18:58 
You cant kill me even with mods. You are what shames all gamers. --------rep
peanut butter box is here 29 sept. 2016 la 17:29 
┃  ● ═══   █ ┃
┃█ you're adopted. █┃
┃█  -Mom&Dad  █┃
┃    ○     ┃
Nani!!?!? 23 iun. 2016 la 16:09 
He hacks in every game he plays -rep