sourcemodding src:modding
sourcemodding src:modding
Creat la
11 septembrie 2011
DESPRE sourcemodding

Tutorials, Tools and Resources for everything Valve

Service dedicated to archiving the History of VALVe and their Game Engines. Sourcemodding aims to be a one stop shop for everything related to modding through GoldSrc, Source and Source 2, bringing you tutorials, tools and useful resources that are becoming increasingly harder to find on the web.

An update on Source Modding
  • Built on top of a new and much easier to maintain technology
  • All images are hosted locally as .webp (sorry safari users..)
  • Much improved mobile scaling
  • The tutorial & tool tables were all converted to beautiful JSON from CSV
  • The locally hosted and mostly unused forums have been shutdown and replaced with Steam community discussions
  • The Valve History Timeline[] has been re-imagined
  • Syntax Highlighting provided by the excellent PrismJS[]

The future of the Project

I have neglected source modding over the last few years as a result of pursuing other projects and honestly losing interest in the project (those who juggle full time jobs and multiple other passions may understand that predicament)

I will try to complete the tutorial & tool collections as well as continue the "Where is Poppy" tutorial series I started all those years back.

You will notice that the Source 2 tutorials section is very bare. I will start populating it shortly.

I will also put together some tools to make tutorial & tool submissions easier for those who are interested in helping fill out the collection.

There is a roadmap on the front page of the site outlining a high level overview of the direction I plan to take the site.

Finally i want to thank you all for being interested in source modding and that you all find the service useful for your own projects.

I hope you all like the new and improved site and should you come across anything out of place be sure to let me know via E-Mail.[]

Where is Poppy - Your First Custom Entity
8 comentarii
Vaana 15 iul. 2018 la 16:33 
Hey, I've released a new version of my tool GoldSrc2Source . Could you please update it on your website? Thanks
Link to ModDB page:
(T:S:B)IceLizard 19 iul. 2017 la 2:03 
Hey all,

CombatEnforcer here.
TheFooFighter 2 aug. 2016 la 22:30 
Thanks Swamp Dog I appreciate the kind words, I was having issues with mysql should be resolved somewhat now :) sites not going anywhere :) adding your site to NY community index :) keep up the good work. :steamhappy:
Swamp Dog @ 28 iul. 2016 la 22:07 
Sweet. The site is already back to normal :steamhappy:
Swamp Dog @ 28 iul. 2016 la 20:45 : Error establishing a database connection
btw this is the most awesome reference site ever and is greatly appreciated
My game community is aiming to do a similar service for providing information about Goldsource to players, server hosts, and developers. We love the spirit of your service and commemorate you for your efforts. Before I found your site, I had to track down all the archives myself. Also you helped me compile the Half-Life SDK for the very first time in Visual Studio 2013 with your tutorial video. Thank you you have had a huge role in the coding success of the mod I am working on.
TheFooFighter 18 apr. 2016 la 4:05 
Thanks Tudorge, much appreciated, @zxo, Sorry i wasnt able to help you with the plugin :/ not my strongsuit.