Please god help me....
This guy by the name of: Andre. Was going to trade with me. A knife on CS:GO. We used the "trust" System where I give him stuff to show that i won't scam and gives him confidence. None of that went well. After getting my suspicions of it he decided to hold my items hostage, 50 dollars worth of it. He then trolled me with it in his inventroy before eventually going offline and keeping it. Any advice/help?

Legutóbb szerkesztette:; 2014. júl. 30., 20:25
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110/10 megjegyzés mutatása
We are not allowed to report users we have not had contact with. There is NO reason to give them collateral, use a middle man, or any other methods besides using the official trade system to do a trade in a single transaction.
You might as well start praying to your gaming diety so that you somehow get your virtual items back. Next time don't risk it.
Silly boy
Nightenhelser eredeti hozzászólása:
Your first mistake was giving him $50 worth of stuff without anything in return.
It wasn't anything, it was over 300 via paypal. and he had a lot of REP. its the shock factor.
Nightenhelser eredeti hozzászólása:
Kirscher eredeti hozzászólása:
It wasn't anything, it was over 300 via paypal. and he had a lot of REP. its the shock factor.

Your second mistake was giving him $300 through paypal.
No, he was paying me 300 for a knife
Kirscher eredeti hozzászólása:
It wasn't anything, it was over 300 via paypal. and he had a lot of REP. its the shock factor.
You can't put either paypal or 'REP' in the trade window. That's not very surprising.
Nightenhelser eredeti hozzászólása:
Kirscher eredeti hozzászólása:
No, he was paying me 300 for a knife

So you are just up $250 instead of $300 since he took the items you gave him?
I think the scammer said he would pay $300 for it then Kischer had to give him items for collateral at which point the guy would send the funds then kirscher would trade his knife for the held items back.
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110/10 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2014. júl. 30., 20:13
Hozzászólások: 10