There should only be one confirmation notification per trade on your mobile!!!!!!!!!!!
I seriously can't put enough exclamation points on this subject! xD

I have to work for a living (shocker) and i don't always have the time to confirm my trades immediately after i get them. And when im using bot services and have multiple trades to confirm that are multiplying every 30 seconds its absolutely insane. Not only that but if too many notifications get stuck it crashes my app and i have to decline ALL trades to get it working again. To make matters even worse, the notifications drain my phones battery like none other. One single notification per trade is not too much to ask for. Or at least the OPTION to turn off repeat notifications would be peachy keen! This needs to be addressed, and is seriously annoying because its punishing people like me for not using 3rd party software to just auto confirm my trades :/

Last edited by Toastedninja; May 2, 2016 @ 3:22pm
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 KARR™ May 3, 2016 @ 5:29am 
Is this not to get around the problem that someone could theoretically put through a rogue trade in the middle of your real trades and you'd confirm it along with all the others in one swipe?
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Date Posted: May 2, 2016 @ 3:15pm
Posts: 1