Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online

Has anybody had a glitch like this. I started the mission called "Smoke Signals" and got to the part called "Trapped". The Hirogeon character came on and said the usual you fell for the trap but I am now stuck in the event horizon of the worm hole. I can't go in or out, I tried dropping the mission, but when I log back in, there I am, stuck again. Any ideas on how to correct this?
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Update: I just tried logging back in again and it finally released me. Maybe the server was looping or something odd like that.
Update again! It did it again. There appears to be a glitch in the mission called "Trapped".
Final update. I moved away from the star system after closing and relaunching the game twice after dropping the mission. I then returned to the system from a different area and it worked. I'm not sure why it took several tries to get this mission started and under way.
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Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2014. aug. 31., 13:39
Hozzászólások: 3