Dawks [PIR] Aug 29, 2016 @ 8:06pm
Anybody here into metrics and infographics?
Just had a great fun session on Oval.
Got thinking about trail braking ... and what real good feedback would feel like. (Alas, just the other day pwr adapter for my venerable Logitech MOMO died. Just died. Just stopped. So I have no FFB.)

Anyone here familiar with military-grade HUD?
Not the easiest thing in the world to read ... a flood of data just this side of helmet ffire even for folk who are very familiar.

But thinking about trail braking I had a thought about a graphic display.

Evidently on this oval with this car if I come out of the curve at 160 I just can't stay off the wall. So fine. 157 will keep me in contention.
So I wanna hit Apex at 157, right? Cuz if I hit the gas weight will shift away from the front.

And then I realized that a programmable display would work magic.
Imagine a slab of vertical lines ... left side is yellow (Below optimal speed.) while right side is red (You gonna rub the wall!)

Forgive me. Decades in industry have rewarded my weird compulsion to details.

Last edited by Dawks [PIR]; Aug 29, 2016 @ 8:07pm
Date Posted: Aug 29, 2016 @ 8:06pm
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