Question about DLCs being separate in library

I have Race 07, Race Injection, and 6 of their DLCs. When I look in my library, I see the 6 DLCs listed as completely separate games in addition to a separate Race 07 and a separate Race Injection.

What game am I supposed to install and run in order to have access to everything that I bought without leaving anything out?

Thank you.
Автор останньої редакції: Hoodmalian Enmity; 18 серп. 2014 о 11:39
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Показані коментарі 13 із 3
Install them all and play Race07
I think running any will give everything, once they are installed.
Автор останньої редакції: ScouseSeattle; 19 серп. 2014 о 21:45
As the others have said, if you install the DLC, you can launch any of them from your library and still get all of the content (it'll say you're playing RACE 07 regardless). IIRC, the look of the menus (not the layout) change depending on which DLC you launch.
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Показані коментарі 13 із 3
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Опубліковано: 18 серп. 2014 о 11:36
Дописів: 3