The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

hab showracemenuprecachekiller installiert, damit stürzt showracemenu nicht mehr ab. es geht aber um das Amuletofbeautification. man kann ein 10minuten Video ansehen. Leider ohne Erklärung. Da hat der Spieler dieses Amulet in seinem Inventar. Bei mir nicht. mit help Beautification, kein Erfog. Auch CK findet nichts. Weiß nun jemand,wo man das bekommt? Mit Amulet kann man im Racemenu alles einstellen, ohne geht gar nichts. Hoffe, jemand weiß die Antwort.
has installed showracemenuprecachekiller, with it does not fall showracemenu any more. however, it is about the Amuletofbeautification. one can look at 10minuten video. Unfortunately, without explanation. There the player has this Amulet in his inventory. With me not. with help Beautification, no Erfog. Also CK finds nothing. Does somebody know now where one gets this? With Amulet one can put in the Racemenu everything, without nothing at all goes. Hope, somebody knows the answer.
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If(?) I understood you correctly, you are using a very old mod. RaceMenu (mod) has inbuild preach killer. You could remove your old mod and move to that.

RaceMenu by Expired

If I misunderstood you, then I am sorry. I do not speak German and translate isn't working too well with this. We might need some one who speaks German to help you.
showracemenuamulet is the amulet you mean and should be in the CK or through the console
Thanks for the answer
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Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2014. aug. 15., 9:36
Hozzászólások: 3