Nexus: The Jupiter Incident

Nexus: The Jupiter Incident

Unable to skip video
Can somebody please tell me how to turn off the damned singleplayer campaign introduction.
It's extremely annoying and i've tried everything.
Game works fine apart from waiting 5 minutes for it to start.
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16/6 megjegyzés mutatása
How are you guys skipping the video? Can somebody just tell me a way they know definitely works?
You should only have to watch it once. After that each time you play just press ESC.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Nexis; 2012. dec. 1., 15:03
Esc work fine thanks.. I honestly thought I tried it
It seems you have to have steam online for it to register that youve watched it previously...
a problem i had was Alt+Tab. When I Alt+Tab out of the game and back into it, sometimes it negates the Esc key, I cant even bring up the menu to save the game. only sometimes though.
ciselkane03 eredeti hozzászólása:
a problem i had was Alt+Tab. When I Alt+Tab out of the game and back into it, sometimes it negates the Esc key, I cant even bring up the menu to save the game. only sometimes though.

I got that too, but you can press the ESC key multiple times and it eventually registers it.
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16/6 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2012. nov. 26., 4:53
Hozzászólások: 6