Fall of Light: Darkest Edition

Fall of Light: Darkest Edition

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Mournechild Feb 24, 2018 @ 9:57pm
Crossbow +3 is much worse than crossbow +1
Crossbow +3 uses about 1/2 of your stamina a shot, and has 10 shots. it does less damage per shot mabee 1/2 than crossbow +1. This weapon is effectivewly a huge downgrade as I can get out 4 missiles for the same damage as 8 and be able to get all 4 out in a single stamina bar.

Shouldnt a +3 crossbow be at least marginally better than a crossbow +1
Originally posted by MasterRPG:
The difference is that you have a cooldown time (the recharge time) only one time of 10 shots and not 1 time of 5 shots.
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A developer of this app has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
MasterRPG  [developer] Feb 25, 2018 @ 3:14am 
The difference is that you have a cooldown time (the recharge time) only one time of 10 shots and not 1 time of 5 shots.
Mournechild Feb 25, 2018 @ 8:24pm 
yes, you get 10 shots at 1/2 power and 3 times the cooldown.

1x2/2x.33 = ,33 efficiency for a tier three weapon vs a tier one weapon
Mournechild Feb 25, 2018 @ 8:26pm 
1(base damage) x 2 (number of shots increased) /2 (the damage reduction per shot) x.33 (amount of stamina per shot) =.33 efficiency for an upgrade
Mournechild Feb 25, 2018 @ 8:28pm 
if stamina stayed static it would be an ok upgrade. but as it is only a moron would ever take it as it will take 10 shots to kill 1 ranged enemy with 3 full rest cooldowns every tsecond or third shot.
Mournechild Feb 25, 2018 @ 8:30pm 
coooldown would be ok if the damage was double the original crossbow. with the extra shots.
likley it should just have 5 shots and increased damage like every other wepon... as in every weapon increases damnage efficiency per use except this one.
Mournechild Feb 25, 2018 @ 11:34pm 
btw great game overall i have enjoyed it for the most part.
MasterRPG  [developer] Feb 26, 2018 @ 1:37am 
Originally posted by Mournechild:
coooldown would be ok if the damage was double the original crossbow. with the extra shots.
likley it should just have 5 shots and increased damage like every other wepon... as in every weapon increases damnage efficiency per use except this one.

We tested a lot the crosswbow and in some build in the past it was like your suggestion. But, in that case, the crossbow3 and crossbow4 were OP.
There is another stat that you should count in your calculation: the attack strenght.
Every weapon has this stat - basically there is a table in the data that compares the DEFENSE strenght and the ATTACK strenght and it determines the reduction to damage.

I.e. an enemy with a strong armor has Defense Strenght = 3, you weapon has Attack Strenght = 1, the real damage inflicted is 0.8.
That's damage is really important on the Stamina (as in Dark Souls, if you or an enemy try to block an attack, you need stamina) but also on the HP.

So, the crossbow 1 and 2 have attack strenght = 2, but the crossbow 3 and crossbow 4 have attack strengh = 4 (the higher value in the game).

In short: I suggest to use the great crossbows (slower, with more shots and more strenght) with the big and slow enemies, and the small crossbows with the others.

BTW, as usual, I'll check again this part of the game - maybe we can improve in another way the great crossbows.

Thank you for your feedbacks!

p.s. if you liked the game, please leave to us a review: it means a LOT for us. Thank you!
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