Quake Champions

Quake Champions

Linux support ?
I know Bethesda and idsoftware dont like this this question, but will it be on Ubuntu-like distros ?
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115/255 megjegyzés mutatása
+1 for linux

The devs have mentioned work starting soon on a Vulkan renderer, which I really hope means a Linux port somewhere down the line.
ique eredeti hozzászólása:

The devs have mentioned work starting soon on a Vulkan renderer, which I really hope means a Linux port somewhere down the line.

Vulkan is nice and all, but it will probably stay windows only like Doom.

+1 for linux port anyway.
AhOle ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ eredeti hozzászólása:
ique eredeti hozzászólása:

The devs have mentioned work starting soon on a Vulkan renderer, which I really hope means a Linux port somewhere down the line.

Vulkan is nice and all, but it will probably stay windows only like Doom.

+1 for linux port anyway.
Vulkan still greatly increases the chances of running it properly on WINE.
+1 with vulkan and linux support
Legutóbb szerkesztette: svenoss; 2017. aug. 22., 14:43
There's no reason this game shouldn't be on Linux! :bpenguin:
+9999999999999 for Linux :steammocking:
Linux/SteamOS version, please! :)
1+ You han do it, i Believe in you
+1! I'd love to be able to get a few games in at lunchtimes during the week without having to reboot into Windows.
I'd buy it, but it would have to have Linux support.
All previous games are on linux. why this one can't be ?
+1 for Linux. Hate to leave my beloved Linux Mint just to launch some Windows game.
This is the only game that makes me consider using Windows, but not even Quake can justify an extra expense of 120$ for it.

id please come back to Linux.
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115/255 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2017. aug. 22., 13:40
Hozzászólások: 255