Dota 2
Zeffite Apr 29, 2016 @ 2:43am
Strongest carry in the Game of Dota 2 ?? Your opinion?
This is one of my favourite topic to talk about as I most of the time only use Carries in the game. I have a few Heroes that i would like to talk about regarding the strongest carry. I will start to the Carrys which to me, are the strongest.

1. Ursa
Most of you might be wondering why a semi carry like Ursa would be on my list. Ursa is honestly so strong in the early game. He is the kind of hero that would rip you to shreds if you are out of place for 2 seconds, maybe 1. Most of you must be thinking why Ursa, he is not the strongest carry in the game, not by a long shot, but if you read my title i said Carry, a very general term. A lot of people refer to carries as hyper carries, which i will touch on in a bit, but in this case it is not. If Ursa is played correctly and fat as hell, the game can and should end in 20 minutes +/-. That is why he is in this list, because he is so strong that he alone have the capability of turning the tables for an equal early game to a one sided game really quickly if he starts ganking with blink dagger. This allows the team to get kills and be at an adventage gold-wise really quickly. With Aegis of immortality early in the game, Ursa will be ahead of all lanes when it comes to leveling and gold. PS. If you are Ursa, you have to end the game early because you burst dmg wears off quickly when the opponents team has hyper carries.

2. Spectre
Spectre is by far the top 5 hyper carries in the game who can easily 1-3 or 5 when fed. Though she does not have any spectacular abilities, her spectral dagger allows her to chase down any foe in any circumstances or escape through terrain. She become overwhelmingly tanky with high dmg in the late game that she can really be a pain in the ass, able to take on the whole team at once. There was one time i saw a Spectre on my team who was super fed and this were her items list. (Power threads, Butterfly, Radiance, Blademail, Heart of Terrasque, Mantha Style) In that game she rampaged 3 times and when you watched her do it, she is slicing up each champion like butter.... literally. The tank, high attk dmg, and dps from bladmail and radiance just makes her a scary foe to deal with. You might not die from her easily, but she is really really hard to kill.

3. Invoker
I hate to see this character on the opponents team in any game mode, be it arcade or all pick. I master of this hero will be a pain in the ass to deal with in the mid lane. Having so many different active skills to screw up your enemy, Invoker and kill or escape in almost any situation given a skilled invoker tapping away on the right skills. Invoker has the ability to catch all 5 in a tornado which has like 3000 range and EMP will drain the whole teams mana. If this happens, the other team is ♥♥♥♥ if a 5v5 occurs. Invoker can also go tornado, metoer and def blast, and if it catches all 5 of the oppenenst heroes, this combo could easily burst all them them to half health. Def blast also pushes the heroes away from invoker himself to avoid confict. If invoker is low on health, he can still help his team with Ghost walk, becoming invisible and slowing enemy heroes down by a pretty high %, giving his own team vision and chasing oppurtunities. If the whole team is dead, 1 buyback from a good invoker can rage war with the whole team and destroy them all by himself with a flurry of spells.

4. Phantom Assassin
My personal favourite carry, Phantom Assassin is, like spectre, in the top 5 of the strongest hyper carries in the game. Early game she is paper as hell but can escape using her W. Once you reach level 6 and if you possess Morbid mask, you can already go ballzy and just hop in to any champion for a one on one. If you are lucky you will kill them in less then 4 seconds. There so no running away from this hero as her abilities cooldown are 4 seconds for her Q and W which is more then enough to reuse and catch enemy heroes. Her ultimate is scary, giving her a 450% crit if she is lucky. If she is under 10% health, jumping in on her and fighting her might not always mean certain victory. Sometimes all she needs to do is land one crit and you are the same health as her.( Given she has lifesteal) Her 3rd skill can also be a pain in the ass.(50% Evasion) This forces opponents to farm up MKB just for her or she is close to unkillable. If this carry is fed with good items and a Battle Fury, do not engage her by sticking together. Her ult and Battle Furry will cleave your whole team down if she lands 2 or more crits in 3 seconds. This has happened to me before, giving me an easy rampage. For PA, go BKB, MKB/ Abyssul, Power Threads/ Phase Boots, Battle Furry and Sange Yasha.

Hounerable mentions
- Legion
- Phanton Lancer
- Anti Mage
- Faceless Void
- Tiny
- Troll Warlord
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
noob Apr 29, 2016 @ 2:53am 
no best carry, only situationally best.

but to be brief i think if you are stomping hard It might be Spectre.

If its a balanced and fair game I think Juggernaut is possibly one of the strongest. One of the strongest team heals, free bkb and right clicks on tower, high chance to double attack and an invincible constant high dmg uam giving nuke.
i'm not that good at dota 2 but every time i play or watch a game of dota 2 i see people get sh*t on by medusa in the very late game, well atleast that's my opinion.
Zeffite Apr 29, 2016 @ 3:26am 
I would go with PA though :P Spectre is the hero i always ban
Somedae Apr 29, 2016 @ 3:46am 
Theres no best carry, all carry is a decent carry with a decent team
The_Technomancer Apr 29, 2016 @ 5:44am 
Every carry does their own thing in their own way. Personally a late game Sven, Chaos Knight, and/or Medusa are the scariest due to how tanky they get and how hard they can hit. Ursa and PA are pretty bad actually mainly due to silver edge and Bloodthorn being very great pickups and ruining their damage output quite easily but also because without BKB they are quite easily focused down with a simple disable and some magic damage Unlike Sven, CK, and Medusa who become quite tanky in the early stages of the game.
Over4U Apr 29, 2016 @ 5:45am 
Ciraus Apr 29, 2016 @ 5:47am 
Bukkacracy Apr 29, 2016 @ 6:02am 
PA is the new broken carry. I don't know why they decided to give her cleave on daggers now. 1 dagger crit and she can slam more than one person on your team with 0 risk to herself.
Sodema Apr 29, 2016 @ 6:03am 
76561198285213632 Apr 29, 2016 @ 6:12am 
completly disagree with PA.
she is one of the worst carries.she can be scary if the enemy feed her.
she sucks without farm(every carry does too,i know).but abiltiies to help her.

in addition,MKB or silver edge rekt her.l
Lahel Apr 29, 2016 @ 6:17am 
No idea- 6.87 just got out. As far as I'm aware, there really are only two heroes in the game with a distinct intrinsic 'strongness', being Riki and Earth Spirit. Everything else depends on the patch.
Last edited by Lahel; Apr 29, 2016 @ 6:17am
No-one remembers Terrorblade...
Zeffite Apr 29, 2016 @ 7:41am 
Well that is because no many people use terroblade :P
Deepbluediver Apr 29, 2016 @ 7:43am 
Originally posted by Silent Death:
Well that is because no many people use terroblade :P
He's still a beast for pushing, but they nerfed his health to the point where most people think he's to squishy to be viable in most cases. Unfairly, I think, but I don't play a lot of carries so what do I know?
Zeffite Apr 29, 2016 @ 7:46am 
Nono dont get me wrong, i think he is hell of a good carry. Early game he is squishy, but when he transform into that demon form, no one will fight him straight up. With full items he will definitely rekt.
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Date Posted: Apr 29, 2016 @ 2:43am
Posts: 15