Secret of the Magic Crystal

Secret of the Magic Crystal

the horse will not heal
llevo mas de 1000 monedas gastadas en "medicinas" o lo que sea la cosa esa de medico y el caballo sigue sin curarse :(
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You must after 100 gold take medicine buttle on the table -and give it to horse face))
100?? I have spent more than 2.000 and nothing
'the horse will not heal' sounds like a proverb. an amazing one.
I don't have enough money to heal my horse, haven't logged in for years, how am I supposed to play now? He's very ill

NVM I sent him on a task to deliever mail twice, the poor bastard, it's all hunched over but I made 100 gold and now I can heal him :)
Legutóbb szerkesztette: APerfectCircle; 2016. dec. 27., 0:52
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