Airport Madness 3D

Airport Madness 3D

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DC 6 and 10 not spawning on Rocky Mountain
I've noticed these planes (and maybe some others) don't seem to appear at this airport. Just wondering if anyone else has the same issue or there is a reason?
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Have you seen them at any of the airports other than Castlegar? They are missing form LGA as well.
Not to my recollection, no. Do you think it is a bug or intentional as it would just be nice to have more aircraft variation on these maps.
No idea. I can see how adding or subtracting different aircraft to alter the balance at different airports in different ways, but cannot speak for the developer. Actually, I think it would be neat if the user could hand select which aircraft to use in a given session using check boxes.
They are fire fighting aircraft so i assume they will only spawn at such airports.
bigfatsimulations  [vývojář] 25. pro. 2016 v 13.21 

Those aircraft were only meant for the firefighting mission in Castlegar. I did add the B737 to all airports, and there will be more aircraft coming with future updates.

I do like the DC10, but are there many flying passengers anymore?
No but still quite a few flying cargo. In any case there are not any concordes out flying, and that does not stop us from enjoying them here. It's just a fun plane. Would not be bad to throw in an L-1011 for all the Lockheed fans out there to.
Naposledy upravil Avwriter; 25. pro. 2016 v 17.44
I see now, it doesnt spawn for the norrmal mode just the firefight. But still, as the poster above said, the concorde doesnt fly now either :). Would be a nice addition the the game
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