Team Fortress 2
Soldier's Stash and Teddy Rosevelt.
So, I look up heavy is spy on youtube, where Heavy Sauce is born. I see hats from the engie and soldier and think 'wow thats cool' so I look at the items and they are not for heavy. I say that even though soldiers stash is outdated and retired and Teddy R. is for the Engineer, it should also be for heavy because it looks cooler than the pocket purrer.
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15/5 megjegyzés mutatása
that's sourcefilmmaker.
Not pocket purrer looks perfect on my engie. Heavy has a exclusive pocket purrer lookalike called the sandvich safe
I disagree I think the Soldier's Stash expresses only the Soldier well and I think it would be odd to bring to the Heavy. The Teddy Rosebelt is also an item that has character with just being with the Engineer and according to the video the heavy is not really 'wearing' the item to be a cosmetic but rather he is capturing it for the team.

SharkWithALaserBeam eredeti hozzászólása:
that's sourcefilmmaker.
Heavy is Spy was made in Garry's Mod not Source Filmmaker.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: OrangePanda; 2013. jan. 23., 19:03
Is Garrys mod worth it?
samuel.newman eredeti hozzászólása:
Is Garrys mod worth it?
i am wondering if it is any good.
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15/5 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. jan. 23., 17:17
Hozzászólások: 5