Team Fortress 2
Would you still play TF2 as often if there was no trading?
Be honest. It isn't TF2 that's really addicting, it's the trading. I'd play for a while, but not the amount of time I've played it so far.

EDIT(s): I would still play it, only with my friends though. They're the ones that lead me to TF2 AND Steam.

I asked this question because I noticed there are so many trade addicts, it really annoys me. They spend more time on trade servers instead of the actual thing. Some are complete jerks. I just wanted to see what the majority on the discussions think.

So far I'm loving the people commenting here, they're pretty darn cool. TF2 is one of the most unique FPS games so far, it's just the economy is whack (to me it is).
Legutóbb szerkesztette: HeatBombastic; 2012. dec. 5., 12:57
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(what about drops? would they exist)
To answer the question, of course. TF2 is probably the most unique and balanced fps around today and it's got great art and humor.
hmm, unless i put some goals for myself, playing by myself gets boring after a while. so i think eventhough i'd enjoy the game greatly, i'd not play it as much. (i don't enjoy the game as much as i used to because trading introduced me to some of the finest scum you can see around)

if i have friends playing with me, then that's another story.
I've played before trading even came out! I got 1,500 hours clocked and still going fairily strong!

It's just one of those games to me that never get's old. Kinda like me and Smash Bros (god I can play that for freakin ever.)

And to be honest, I find the trading part just a test of patience and frustration. Every trader I've dealt with acted like some freaky cultist dedicated to worshipping unusual matter how tacky they were. Plus, I sware if I wanted to trade I'd go back to EvE or Runescape or something.
I remember when there was no trading and the only thing you could look foward to was an achievment weapon, it was addictive fun then and its addictive now, the perks of new hats, items, weapons and levels is just a perk that helps keep the game fresh.
I would definately play TF2 even without the trading. What I really meant is would you keep playing as often as you do now. I should probably change the title.
Tolna eredeti hozzászólása:
I've played before trading even came out! I got 1,500 hours clocked and still going fairily strong!

It's just one of those games to me that never get's old. Kinda like me and Smash Bros (god I can play that for freakin ever.)

And to be honest, I find the trading part just a test of patience and frustration. Every trader I've dealt with acted like some freaky cultist dedicated to worshipping unusual matter how tacky they were. Plus, I sware if I wanted to trade I'd go back to EvE or Runescape or something.
Someone give this man a metal!
I will definitely keep playing tf2 often even without trading.

Tolna eredeti hozzászólása:
And to be honest, I find the trading part just a test of patience and frustration. Every trader I've dealt with acted like some freaky cultist dedicated to worshipping unusual matter how tacky they were. Plus, I sware if I wanted to trade I'd go back to EvE or Runescape or something.
This is exactly how i feel about trading
IMO trading and hats is what killed the game for a lot of people. I remember the game to be A LOT more fun and simple when there weren't any drops except for hats (which were extremely rare) and the only hats were the first 9 that came out. Now people don't actually play the game -- they idle for item drops and turn the game into a business. Just look at how many websites there are for item selling and how many people are there selling their stuff for real money. All of this is good marketing strategy on Valve's part though (TF2 item store, keys, promotional hats).
the last christmas templar eredeti hozzászólása:
(what about drops? would they exist)
To answer the question, of course. TF2 is probably the most unique and unbalanced fps around today and it's got great art and humor.

Fixed :). No problem. LMFAO BALANCED ???? Great joke LOL. Maybe 5 Years ago BUT Not now with all these stupid kiddie Toys, weapons & ♥♥♥♥..... -_-.
To me TF2 is addicting. Trading is fun but I could live without it.
Cnsdering i don't trade and still play I'd have to say. yeah. I like the fun and variant challenge. Since I can never find anyone to trade with me..
I'd play TF2 even more often if it wouldn't have trading, hats and whatnot.
Of course about 80% of my backpack would be gone then, but it would be worth it.
OP is a cigarette.
I never trade. I'm rather new to TF2 and crafted some un-tradable items. The few items that I have that people would want, I am not letting loose of until something a lot better comes out. :p
Which is more annoying try hards in CP matches, or people who ask for obviously inflated prices and insist on the importance of profit? Last night I was trying to find a strange scattergun and someone was insisting to me that "some people have made good money with tf2."

"yeah dude, like that one dude, Gabe Newell."
Legutóbb szerkesztette: AWOOGA; 2012. dec. 5., 19:46
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Közzétéve: 2012. dec. 5., 12:12
Hozzászólások: 23