Team Fortress 2
Zoracs (禁止済) 2014年7月13日 17時42分
Rumor of Gunslinger nerf!?!?!?
Gabe Newell announced he may possibly nerf the gunslinger due to constant Emails of people PLEADING to him that it's OP.

I say the Mini Sentry outta shoot same speed as normal Sentry and still do 1/2 damage. Everything else stays as is.

Disclaimer: There is no rumor, I just wanted some opinions

Update: A miniSentry that shoots fire. Obviously, with reduced range (-%70 and cannot be resupplied with ammo, but can be upgraded to Lv 2. Lv 2 FlameSentries have -%50 and more ammo, still cannot be resupplied. Also is much bigger Sentry).

I leave you all to kill eachother ;)

P.S still no rumor, just want opinions
最近の変更はZoracsが行いました; 2014年7月15日 11時33分
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1-15 / 91 のコメントを表示
stupendous man (禁止済) 2014年7月13日 17時44分 
If you can't aim and click at an immobile object, you might not want to play FPSes in general.
-Dude says there is rumor

-Dude says 5 seconds worth of reading later that there is no rumor

Okey den.
as a scout main i see the gunslinger as op
in a way m0sentry does same amount of damage, 50% firing speed 50% damage pen,
It's not overpowered,but it is annoying,as soon as you destroy it the engy will come around to finish you off or lay down another.
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with gunslinger engies by Red tape recordering their sentries is fun though.
Oh god just shoot it, Really its not that hard
ᴾᴾᴹ Da Scoot 8382 の投稿を引用:
Mini sentries should now cost 125 metal so as soon as their first one gets destroyed, they can't just immediately put down another one.
They're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ super kryptonite for scouts though because they're easily hideable.
stupendous man (禁止済) 2014年7月13日 18時06分 
PMR の投稿を引用:
They're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ super kryptonite for scouts though because they're easily hideable.
Engineer is scout's hard counter? Now we can't have that.
k8 の投稿を引用:
PMR の投稿を引用:
They're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ super kryptonite for scouts though because they're easily hideable.
Engineer is scout's hard counter? Now we can't have that.
stupendous man (禁止済) 2014年7月13日 18時06分 
C14 lft hl の投稿を引用:
k8 の投稿を引用:
Engineer is scout's hard counter? Now we can't have that.
k8 の投稿を引用:
PMR の投稿を引用:
They're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ super kryptonite for scouts though because they're easily hideable.
Engineer is scout's hard counter? Now we can't have that.
I sense some passive aggression.
Booga 2014年7月13日 18時07分 
This Should not happen :/
Zoracs (禁止済) 2014年7月13日 18時08分 
B_loaph の投稿を引用:
in a way m0sentry does same amount of damage, 50% firing speed 50% damage pen,

Ugh let me explain.

Mini sentry firing rate: 150%
Level 1 sentry firing rate: 100%
Mini sentry damage: 50%
Level 1 sentry damage: 100%

The mini sentry is 1.5x as fast at firing, but 0.5x the damage. 1.5 x 0.5 = 0.75, its 25% weaker then the level 1 sentry.
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1-15 / 91 のコメントを表示
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投稿日: 2014年7月13日 17時42分
投稿数: 91