Staplehead Jun 17, 2017 @ 4:07pm
Humans vs. Aliens
Hey guys I wanted to see what the rest of the community think about each side. Personally I have found the humans to be really good early on if played correctly, however, once the tech gets going on the alien side its really hard to stop the aliens from snowballing. I think maybe increasing death timers as the game goes on as a way to end games quicker that are going south could be a way to mitigate players that are having a bad time by letting have a bad time, for less time. This gets them into a new game quickly.
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
Rizufobia Jun 18, 2017 @ 2:35am 
I agree with the first part but I totally disagree with increasing death timers as the game goes on. This will change the game a lot and force players to play more in a TDM-way instead of focusing on the real goal.
SquidsFromSpace  [developer] Jun 18, 2017 @ 8:42am 
Hello Staplehead!

I won't say too much, as I'd really love for this to have community input only and to see what you guys have to say.

However! I will throw out that we have tried playing with the death timers quite a bit and it's really difficult to find that sweet spot, but I know it will get there in time. We've tried having short to zero respawn times, and that made it incredibly impossible to infiltrate the enemy base because the moment you kill someone, they'll appear at their base immediately. We've also tried longer respawn times and that started to give players a bad experience because they would spend a lot of their time just sitting there and waiting. Matches just aren't long enough most of the time for there to be long respawn times.

We'll have to explore other solutions regarding balancing and that's what we hope to do over the course of the next two months. Including completely revamping the Tech 4 phase.

Feel free to join our Community Discord in order to join other SFS players and toss in your suggestions there as well! http://discord.gg/ZkhScjJ
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