Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition

Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition

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REDACTED 24 lutego 2013 o 14:38
Letter Characters are Fuzzy
Is there something I'm doing wrong? Because the letters and words on the game are fuzzy, I can barely make out planet names, ship names, fleet stats, basically everything that has a letter is small and not readable. I have tried changing resolutions, loweing the texture settings, and turned off some settings in the option menu. Now, again am I doing something wrong?
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TheSwarmLord 24 lutego 2013 o 20:14 
What are your system specs? I had this happen to me before.
SFCShadow 27 lutego 2013 o 16:53 
Turn texture setting to max (or near max) the lower it is the fuzzier things get.
Turn off FXAA and focal blur (these will make things blurry too especially on some graphic cards and resolutions.
What resolution are you using. I would not recommend anything below 1024x768 and strongly reommend 1600x900 or better (though you can get away with 1440x900 in a pinch, game UI was actually ment ot be used on wide screen resolutions).
Do you have AA turned on at the card and "forced" on the game, this does funky things (or doesn't work period atm).
REDACTED 2 marca 2013 o 10:42 
Thanks, I'm running a 1600x900 monitor, the FXAA and Focal Blur has been turned off. After a quick reinstall everything turned to normal, as well I maxed out textures. Now I can see clearly now the textures good!
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Data napisania: 24 lutego 2013 o 14:38
Posty: 3