Lead and Gold - Gangs of the Wild West

Lead and Gold - Gangs of the Wild West

Is this game worth it?
Just noticed that this game is -75% and seeing im a sucker for any western style games (not enough of them if you ask me ) that exist, i just wanna check is it worth it?
Hell i know at £1.99 any game is worth it, but is the community alive? Is the game buggy as hell? Only asking as i had never heard of it until today...

Thanks in advance

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115/98 megjegyzés mutatása
i have the same questions..
well it's fun multiplayer
it's not buggy as hell i would buy it for 2 pounds defently worth
I have owned the game since it released, and while it is fun i feel that it is not worth the money. Hardly anyone plays and there are a lot of cheaters. The community died not even 2 months after release.
It's been DOA since around release. Devs have given up and are trying to make it F2P last I heard.
"Lot of cheaters." Oh, so it already is like playing a Free to Play. Except you pay for it. I'll pass.
It's a really fun game and under other circumstances the sale price would be a steal, but theres really not enough people playing for me to recommend it no matter how much I like it. The sad thing is, this just perpetuates the cycle of the servers being empty.
Its a fun game to play with your friends!!!
mean brought the game then read the reviews
so if no one in serverits not worth it right?, i love to have one to :/
I've played long ago, and enjoyed it LOTS, it's really worth it IMO
Played it when it first came out, and I haven't played it again since. It has really bad gameplay and overall it isn't very fun.
I really liked it when it free for a few days, hearing that the community is dead though....
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Taco Bone; 2012. dec. 4., 12:33
dont buy it, the community is dead, empty servers... u waste ur time with finding a game with players thereits sad it was fun for me :(
The game is defiantly worth it at this price. For all the people that believe there is a lot of cheaters. Let me tell you now that there are not. What you will run in to is A. People like me who spent over 100 hours playing the game. B. Laggggggggggg. If your ping is high you will run in to what seem like cheating where you cannot hit anything. Join a server that has less lag and you will notice the huge differents.
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115/98 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2012. dec. 3., 11:00
Hozzászólások: 98